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This repository contains the source for the glowbuzzer public website.

The site is a React application built with Vite.

Much of the site is automatically generated from GBC and GBR source code using a variety of Vite plugins we have developed or adapters from elsewhere.

To run locally, we recommend you use PNPM as package manager:

git clone
cd glowsite
pnpm i
vite root/www

Vite plugins used

Flexible raster image resizing

Google Analytics tracking

Definition list support

Syntax highlighting in code blocks

Github flavoured markdown support

Mermaid in markdown support

Codeblocks with dynamic demo support

Simple wrapper around @svgr/rollup to control when SVGs are inlined

Simple wrapper around @mdx-js/rollup to provide reporting of transform errors

Provides support for custom entities, such as &gb; in markdown

Ensures links internal to the site use the react-router Link component

Dynamic documentation from Typescript source using TypeDoc

Dynamic documentation from React component source using react-docgen