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George Kye edited this page Oct 26, 2016 · 5 revisions
Required Parameters
api_key String! collectionId Int!
Optional Parameters
language(ISO 639-1 code) String!

Collection Information

Get the basic collection information for a specific collection id. You can get the ID needed for this method by making a /movie/{id} request and paying attention to the belongs_to_collection hash.

```swift CollectionMDB.collection(apikey, collectionId: 10, language: "en"){ data, collectionData in if let collectionData = collectionData{ print(collectionData.overview) print( print(collectionData.collectionItems[0].original_title) print(collectionData.collectionItems[0].overview) } } ```

Collection Images

Get all of the images for a particular collection by collection id.

        CollectionMDB.collectionImages(apikey, collectionId: 10, language: "en"){
      data, collectionData in
      if let collectionData = collectionData{
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