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@a-szotyori a-szotyori released this 06 May 14:11
· 36 commits to main since this release
  • Uses GiniBankAPILibrary 1.3.0
  • Allows clients to also send feedback for compound extractions.
    Breaking change: Only for clients who use their own GiniCaptureNetworkService protocol implementation.
    We added compound extractions to the GiniCaptureNetworkService protocol's sendFeedback method.
    The compound extractions are used in the Gini Bank SDK for the return assistant feature. These are currently always nil in the Gini Capture SDK. Nevertheless, we advise you to handle the non-nil case and send the compound extractions to the Gini Bank API. Please consult the Gini Bank API's documentation on how to send compound extractions feedback.
    • Old method signature:
      func sendFeedback(document: Document, 
                                             updatedExtractions: [Extraction], 
                                             completion: @escaping (Result<Void, GiniError>) -> Void)
    • New method signature:
      func sendFeedback(document: Document, 
                                             updatedExtractions: [Extraction], 
                                             updatedCompoundExtractions: [String : [[Extraction]]]?, 
                                             completion: @escaping (Result<Void, GiniError>) -> Void)
  • Additional UI customisation options:
    • Camera screen:
      • Allows customising the camera view's background color.
      • Allows customising the camera preview frame color.
      • Allows customising the camera button container background color.
      • Allows replacing the help button icon with text.
    • Photo tips and no results screen:
      • Allows customising the button text color and corner radius.
    • Supported formats screen:
      • Allows customising the icons for supported and unsupported formats.