Wrapping Webpush-java. Only provide a convenient clojure api.
NOT PRODUCTION READY Webpush-java is production ready but this clojure wrapper has not been tested yet. It will be in a few days/weeks.
- payloads,
- asynchrounous sending.
Do not support:
Your backend receive subscriptions shaped like this:
{:endpoint "https://random-push-service.com/some-kind-of-unique-id-1234/v2/"
:keys {:p256dh "BNcRdreALRFXTkOOUHK1EtK2wtaz5Ry4YfYCA_0QTpQtUbVlUls0VJXg7A8u-Ts1XbjhazAkj7I99e8QcYP7DkM="
:auth "tBHItJI5svbpez7KI4CCXg=="}}
(require '[webpush.core :refer [subscription push-service notification send!]])
(let [;; Create a subscription
sub (subscription <endpoint> <p256dh> <auth>)
;; Create a push-service instance by passing your `public-key`,
;; `private-key` (as strings), and the webpush `subject` (most of the time
;; your email)
svc (service <public-key> <private-key> <subject>)]
(send! svc (notification sub "Hello World!")))
;; The webpush protocol force payloads encryption using public/private keypairs.
;; On the JVM it uses some algorithms provided by BouncyCastle. If you get any
;; error relative to crypto, you can enable them by calling:
;; => {:public "BEWi1tvrrkZhe_FJjhGbVvLDmXrQMhMr27aJ9UGJdCSAdRp8tVciDbNqBMLlmb2ZctcZvfY2tEvQIlSRo7QqVkw=",
;; :private "AMbTUIvdMwwboLSxWMNoRS6XaJuXmX1reHrkNBdiJBwq"}
allow users to generate keys or send a notification as a shell
command (using gradle). If you have any use case where shell commands might be a
better fit then a REPL please open an issue.
This library should stay so small that all contributions should go to Webpush-java IMHO, but all PRs are welcome.
- Add cli commands
- add
- add
- add
- add missing constructor arities (when it make sense in Clojure)
- add documentation
- add better examples