A ROS IMU driver package for the Ultimate Sensor Fusion Solution (USFS) - LSM6DSM + LIS2MD and MPU9250. Will work with other EM7180 Sensor Hub IMU's. Tested on Raspberry Pi 3B with ROS Kinetic.
You will need a Teensy 3.x or Arduino Mini Pro to calibrate your IMU. The IMU will work as shipped, it will just take more measurements for the IMU sensor fusion algorithm to lock onto correct values. By going through the calibration process the IMU will be able to 'warm start' and lock onto the correct values quicker.
Connect the USFS - em7180 to your Raspberry Pi
Hardware setup:
EM7180 __________ RPi 3
3V3 _____________ 1 (3.3V)
SDA _____________ 3 (SDA)
SCL _____________ 5 (SCL)
GND _____________ 9 GND
INT _____________ ???
Download an RPi image with ROS and Kinetic.
Ubiquity Robotics: https://downloads.ubiquityrobotics.com/
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/droter/em7180_imu/
cd ~/catkin_ws
Python SMbus is required. If your system doesn't have it installed:
pip install smbus
Add the user to the I2C usergroup.
adduser $USER i2c
To run the driver:
roslaunch em7180_imu imu_driver.launch
To run the visualization:
roslaunch em7180_imu imu_viz.launch
ROS standard for IMU data http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0145.html
Published Topics:
imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
imu/data_raw (sensor_msgs/Imu) No orientation
imu/mag (sensor_msgs/MagneticField)
sensor/temp (sensor_msgs/Temperature)
sensor/pressure (sensor_msgs/FluidPressure)
sensor/alt (sensor_msgs/Float64)
ROS standard for Coordinate Conventions http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html
The imu/data is prepared to be fused with Robot_Localization
Yaw is positive when rotated counter clockwise.
Pitch is positive when nose is down.
Roll is positive when left side is up.
Yaw is zero when pointing East
Accelleration when electronic components are up is z = 1.
Accelleration when nose is down 90 degrees is x = 1.
Accelleration when left side is up 90 degrees is y = 1.
The package uses some python scripts provided by simondlevy's [repository](https://github.com/simondlevy/EM7180)
The package uses some python scripts provided by vortexntnu's [repository](https://github.com/vortexntnu/em7180)