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geosparql distances

Francesco Beretta edited this page Sep 23, 2022 · 16 revisions


Community Data, distances between all places

Some specific filters and features are added for the sake of example

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xml: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX time: <>
PREFIX ontome: <>
PREFIX geov: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
prefix spatialF: <>
prefix units: <> 

SELECT  (spatialF:distance(?place, ?place1, units:kilometre) as ?km_distance) ?subject ?geoPlaceLabel ?long ?lat ?subject1 ?geoPlaceLabel1 ?long1 ?lat1
  { SELECT * 
    WHERE {?subject ^ontome:p147 ?presence.
  ?subject rdfs:label    ?geoPlaceLabel.
        ?presence ontome:p148 ?place.
   bind(replace(str(?place), '<>', "", "i") as ?rep)
   bind( replace( str(?rep), "^[^0-9\\.-]*([-]?[0-9\\.]+) .*$", "$1" ) as ?long )
   bind( replace( str(?rep), "^.* ([-]?[0-9\\.]+)[^0-9\\.]*$", "$1" ) as ?lat )

 { SELECT * 
    WHERE {?subject1 ^ontome:p147 ?presence1.
  ?subject1 rdfs:label    ?geoPlaceLabel1.
        ?presence1 ontome:p148 ?place1.
   bind(replace(str(?place1), '<>', "", "i") as ?rep1)
   bind( replace( str(?rep1), "^[^0-9\\.-]*([-]?[0-9\\.]+) .*$", "$1" ) as ?long1 )
   bind( replace( str(?rep1), "^.* ([-]?[0-9\\.]+)[^0-9\\.]*$", "$1" ) as ?lat1 )}

  FILTER(str(?subject) < str(?subject1) && CONTAINS(?geoPlaceLabel1, 'Bern CH'))

Basic query structure (to be commented)

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
prefix spatialF: <>
prefix units: <>

SELECT (spatialF:distance(?o, ?o1, units:kilometre) as ?dis) ?s ?o ?s1 ?o1 
   ?s geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?o.
   ?s1 geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?o1
  FILTER(str(?s) < str(?s1))