C Projects are some very useful code parts like sorting algorithms, double linked lists implementation and many more.
This project is presenting some very common functions that are able to manipulate and transform strings.
- void replaceR(char *x): It replaces r character with - from a string.
- void mergeString(char *x, char *y): It merges 2 strings.
- void upperString(char *x): It transforms string's characters to uppercase.
- void lowerString(char *x): It transforms string's characters to uppercase.
- void reverseString(char *x); It reverses the string's characters.
- int isPalindrome(char *x);
This project is able to count the prices of shares.
- void table_filling(int *x, int y);
- void insertion_asc(int *x, int y);
- void insertion_desc(int *x, int y);
- void selection_asc(int *x, int y);
- void selection_desc(int *x, int y);nction
- void quick_asc(int *x, int m, int y);
- void quick_desc(int *x, int m, int y);
- void alltasks(int *x, int *y, int *z, int j);
- void copy(int *x, int *y, int *z, int j);
- void printlist(int *x, char *y, int n, double c, int t);
- void swap(int *x, int *y);
- int choose_pivot(int i, int j);
- int insert(double key, char *data);
- char *get(double key);
- int removeValue(double key);
- LIST *getRange(double fromKey, double toKey);
- int computeHashCode(double key);
- void printDictionary();
- void makeHashTableEmpty();
- void makeEmptyList(LIST *x);
- int isEmptyList(LIST *x);
- LNODE *createListNode(char *x);
- void insertListNode(LIST *x, char *y);
- void printList(LIST *x);
- void printDivider();
- void makeEmptyList(LIST *x);
- int isEmptyList(LIST *x);
- LNODE *createListNode(int x);
- void insertListNode(LIST *x, int y);
- void printList(LIST *x);
- int converter(char x);
- void calculator(LIST *x, LIST *y, char p);
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.