This is a simple workshop that shows how to use MQTT on the famous Wemos D1.
We will build up a publisher that has a DS18B20 as digital temperature sensor and a receiver that will print the reading on a I²C LCD and switch on the light up the built-in LED if the temperature rises above 30 °C.
Arduino IDE and the following libraries:
- Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip
- WiFiManager
- PubSubClient for MQTT
- OneWire
- DallasTemperature
- hd44780
- 2x Wemos D1
- 1x Maxim DS18B20 (OneWire temperature sensor)
- 1x 4,7 kOhm Resistor
- 1x HD44780 16x02 LCD with Maxim I2C expander
- Breadboards, Jumper Wires
- Install MQTT-Temperature-Publisher on the Wemos with the DC18B20
- Install MQTT-Temperature-Receiver on the Wemos with the LCD
Hell yeah, it's Open Source!