Download all the HIBP passwords
It's like HaveIBeenPwned/PwnedPasswordsDownloader, only in node.js
CLI Usage:
# output all hashes to stdout:
npx hibp-downloader download
# output to a file:
npx hibp-downloader download -o hashes.txt
# get a subset of hashes (start and end are inclusive):
npx hibp-downloader download -s 0x00010 -e 0x00011
Javascript module usage:
const { createRange, getPrefixRange } = require('hibp-downloader');
async function getSomeHashes({start, end}){
const range = createRange({start, end});
const responses = getPrefixRange(range);
responses.forEach(({prefix, hashes}) => {
hashes.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(hash => {