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Spiking Neural Networks as Timed Automata

Giovanni CIATTO, Elisabetta DE MARIA, Cinzia DI GIUSTO

Example and generation tool



  • Directory examples contains some examples of Uppaal systems implementing Spiking Neural Networks as Timed automata, according to our model. Descriptions will follow.
  • Directory network_description_language contains several Xtext projects implementing the Network Generator and the respective Eclipse plugin. We kindly suggest to manipulate such code by means of the Eclipse IDE.
  • File ndl2uppaal.jar is a Java console application implementing the Network Generator. The only requirimenet is Java 8.

Diamond example

The examples/diamond.xml file is an Uppaal system representing a Spiking Neural Network. The network topology is the diamond shown in the following figure:

The diamond network topology


  • I is an Input Generator;
  • O is an Output Consumer;
  • N_i is the i-th neuron;
  • y_i is the broadcast channel carrying the output of the i-th neuron,
    • y_0 carryies the output of the input generator;
  • w_i[j] is the weight of the j-th input synapse of the i-th neuron,
    • if the neuron only has 1 input synapse, the [j] index is omitted.

The file contains a Declarations section (contining global definitions), a number of templates (each defining one Timed Automaton structure and behavior) and a System declarations section (where template template are instantiated and interconnected).

Global Declarations

Shared symbols and types are defined in this section of the examples/diamond.xml file.

// Fraction type definition
// as a <num, den> pair
typedef struct {
    int num;
    int den;
} ratio_t;

// Discretization Granularity constant definition
// The [0, 1] real interval is divided into R parts:
// this is how real number are represented
const int R = 100;

// Synaptic weight type definition
// as an integer in the -R ... R interval
typedef int[-R, R] weight_t;

// Synaptic weights definitions
weight_t w1[1] = { R }; // w_1 = 1
weight_t w2[1] = { R / 2 }; // w_2 = 0.5
weight_t w3[1] = { R / 2 }; // w_3 = 0.5
weight_t w4[2] = { R / 4, R / 3}; // w_4[0] = 0.25 and w_4[1] = 0.33

// Output channels definitions
broadcast chan y0;
broadcast chan y1;
broadcast chan y2;
broadcast chan y3;
broadcast chan y4;

The Neuron<N> templates

This is the template of a neuron having N input sources x0, x1, ..., x(N-1). The template has the following arguments list:

broadcast chan & x0, // The reference to the first input channel
broadcast chan & x1, // The reference to the second input channel
weight_t & w[N], // The reference to the array containing N synaptic weights
broadcast chan & y // The reference to the output channel

The following images show the structure of these templates in the cases N = 1 and N = 2, respectively:

The structure of a Timed Automaton implementing a neuron having 1 input synapse The structure of a Timed Automaton implementing a neuron having 2 input synapses

The behavior of the automaton is described by the following Uppaal code:

clock t; // Only one clock per neuron is needed
const int T = <accumulation period duration>;
const int tau = <refractory period duration>;
const int theta = <threshold value>;
ratio_t lambda = { <leak factor numerator>, <leak factor denominator> };

// Stores the sum of weighted inputs for each accumulation period
int a = 0;
// Stores the neuron potential
int p = 0;

// Updates the potential at the end of each accumulation period
void updatePotential() {
    p = (a * lambda.den + p * lambda.num) / lambda.den;

// Accumulates an input spike carryed by the i-th input synapse
void onInput(int i) {
    a += w[i];

// Invoked at the end of each accumulation period
void onAccumulationEnd() {

// Invoked at the beginning of each accumulation period
// @param hasEmitted is true if the neuron emitted a spike at the end of the
//     previous accumulation period
void onAccumulationBegin(bool hasEmitted) {
    t = 0;
    a = 0;

// Invoked at the end of each refractory period
void onRefractoryEnd() {


// Invoked at the beginning of each refractory period
void onRefractoryBegin() {
    p = 0;
    t = 0;

The NonDeterministicInput template

This is the template of an Input Generator producing a random spike sequence, after a given initial delay D, where the time distance between two consecutive spikes is always equal to or greather than Tmin. The template has the following arguments list:

// The reference to the channel carrying the produced sequence
broadcast chan & x

The following image shows the structure of this template:

The structure of a Non-Deterministic Input Generator

The Uppaal code of such a template is simply:

clock t; // Only one clock per Non-Deterministic Input Generator is needed
const int D = <duration of the initial delay>;
const int Tmin = <minimum inter-spike period duration>;

The FixedRateInput template

This is the template of an Input Generator producing exactly one spike for each time window Win, after a given initial delay D. The template has the following arguments list:

// The reference to the channel carrying the produced sequence
broadcast chan & x

The following image shows the structure of this template:

The structure of a Fixed-Rate Input Generator

The Uppaal code of such a template is simply:

clock t; // Only one clock per Fixed-Rate Input Generator is needed
const int D = <duration of the initial delay>;
const int Win = <duration of the time window>;

The Output template

This is the template of an Output Consumer allowing to inspect the outcome of some output neuron. The template has the following arguments list:

// The reference to the channel carrying the sequence to be consumed
broadcast chan & y

The following image shows the structure of this template:

The structure of an Output Consumer

The Uppaal code of such a template is simply:

// An ls (Last Spike) clock is needed for each Output Consumer, allowing it to
// measure the elapsed time since the last received spike
clock ls;

The System Declarations

This section of the examples/diamond.xml file is where templates are instantiated and channels are shared in order to specity the to-be-inspected Neural Network.

// Input producers

I = FixedRateInput(y0); // `I` will send spikes over the y0 channel
// I = NonDeterministicInput(y0);

// Neurons

N1 = Neuron1(y0, w1, y1); // `N1` will consume spikes from the y0 channel, with weight w1[0], and send them on the y1 channel
N2 = Neuron1(y1, w2, y2); // `N2` will consume spikes from the y1 channel, with weight w2[0], and send them on the y2 channel
N3 = Neuron1(y1, w3, y3); // `N3` will consume spikes from the y1 channel, with weight w3[0], and send them on the y3 channel

N4 = Neuron2(y2, y3, w4, y4); // `N4` will consume spikes from the y1 channel, with weight w4[0], and the y3 channel, with weight w4[1], and send them on the y4 channel

// Output consumers

O4 = Output(y4); // `O4` will receive the outcome of `N4` over the y4 channel

// The automata composing the system (i.e. to be executed) are the following
system I, N1, N2, N3, N4, O4;

Network Description Language & Generator

The Network Description Language (NDL) provides a formal way to specify the parameters and the topology of a Spiking Neural Network composed by Leaky Integrate and Fire neurons. It also allows to specify the input sequences used to feed the network. We finally provide a generator able to encode a network description expressed in NDL into a Timed Automata system for the Uppaal simulator and verifier.

The language

A network description consist of a text file having the .ndl extension.

The network description file has the following structure:

network <Network name> {
    <Neuron declarations section>
    <Network topology section>

The Neuron declarations section contains the definitions of several input sequences, intermediate neurons or output neurons.

For what concerns input sequences:

  • a Fixed-Rate input sequence can be defined as follows:

    input <Sequence Name> {
        rate(<time window>, <initial delay>)
  • a Non-Deterministic input sequence can be defined as follows:

    input <Sequence Name> {
        any(<minimum time distance>, <initial delay>)
  • a specific input sequence can be defined be means of a regular language:

    input <Sequence Name> {

    where <Sequence> can rewritten as (spike, pause, ) and ( are terminals):

    <Sequence> ::= <Prologue> `spike`
                |  <Prologue> `(` <Periodic> `)`
                |  <Periodic>
    <Prologue> ::= <Pause>? ( `spike` <Pause> )*
    <Periodic> ::= ( `spike` <Pause> )+ `repeat`
    <Pause>    ::= `pause` ( `(` <Pause Duration> `)` )?

An intermediate neuron definition has the following structure:

neuron <Neuron name> {
    accumulation: <positive integer>
    leakage: <numerator> \ <denominator>
    refractory: <positive integer>
    threshold: <real number in [-1, 1]>

where all fields are optional and have a default value.

An output neuron definition simply differs for the output keyword:

output neuron <Output neuron name> {

The Network topology section consists of several synapse definitions. There exist three types of synapse definition:

  • <Input sequence name> -> <Neuron name> : <Weight>
  • <Neuron name> -> <Neuron name> : <Weight>
  • <Neuron name> -> <Output neuron name> : <Weight>

where the names are the one defined into the previous section, and weights must be real numbers within the [0, 1] interval. If the : <Weight> clause is omitted, the default synaptic weight is 1.0. No self-loop are allowed, i.e., the LHS must be different from the RHS in all synapses of type <Neuron name> -> <Neuron name>.


A complete example will follow: the examples/NDLExample.ndl file:

network NDLExample {
	 * Implementation detail: discretization granularity
	 * The [-1, 1] real interval is divided into 10000 parts
	 * In what follows, any threshold value or synaptic weight
	 * within the [0, 1] interval will be converted accordingly
	 * (and automatically)
	granularity: 10000

	 * Fixed-Rate input generator
	 * 	time window size: 1 time unit
	 * 	initial delay: 2 time units
	input I1 {
		rate(1, 2)

	 * Non-Deterministic input generator
	 * 	minimum time distance: 2 time units
	 * 	initial delay: 3 time units
	input I2 {
		any(2, 3)

	 * Input sequence generator, generating the following sequence:
	 * i) an initial quiescence of 4 time units
	 * ii) a spike followed by a 1 time unit pause
	 * iii) a spike followed by a 1 time unit pause
	 * iv) the infinite repetition of a spike followed by a 2 time units pause
	input I3 {
		pause(4) spike pause spike pause (spike pause(2) repeat)

	 * Intermediate neuron
	neuron N1 {
		accumulation: 2
		leakage: 7\9 		// 0.7777...
		refractory: 3
		threshold: 0.75

	 * Default accumulation: 1 time unit
	 * Default leakage: 1\2 = 0.5
	 * Default refractory: 1 time unit
	 * Default threshold: 0
	neuron N2 { }

	 * Default accumulation: 1 time unit
	 * Default leakage: 1\2 = 0.5
	 * Default refractory: 1 time unit
	neuron N3 {
		threshold: 1.0

	 * Output neuron (an output generator will be connected to such a neuron)
	 * Default accumulation: 1 time unit
	output neuron NO {
		threshold: 3.0
		leakage: 1\4
		refractory: 2

	// SYNAPSES DEFINITIONS //////////////////////////

	I1 -> N1 : 1.0 		// excitatory synapse
	I2 -> N2 : -1.0		// inhibitory synapse
	I3 -> N3 : 0.7

	N1 -> NO : 0.5
	N2 -> NO : -0.1
	N3 -> NO			// default weight: 1.0

The generator

Any well formed .ndl file can be converted into a ready-to-use Uppaal system by means of the ndl2uppaal.jar program.

The following syntax

java -jar path/to/ndl2uppaal.jar path/to/network_description_language.ndl

will create the file src-gen/<Network name>.xml contaning the Uppaal system. Some exceptions may be showed by the console, even if the .ndl file is correct.


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