This chart installs the OpenStack Tenant Exporter, a Prometheus exporter that collects metrics about OpenStack tenants. This exporter uses the gophercloud
library to interact with the OpenStack API.
- Kube Prometheus Stack
- Cloud Config Secret (below)
The Helm Charts needs a secret cloud-config. In case you don't have it. You can create as the example below or pass in values.yaml file. To use the Helm Chart to create it. Enable first secret.create=true and fill secret.cloudConfig with your own info
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cloud-config
namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque
clouds.yaml: |
region_name: regionOne
username: username
password: password
project_id: project_id
project_domain_name: 'default'
user_domain_name: 'default'
auth_url: 'https://<mycloud>:5000/v3'
verify: false
helm upgrade --install openstack-tenant-exporter oci:// -n kube-system
- openstack_max_total_instances
- openstack_total_instances_used
- openstack_max_total_cores
- openstack_total_cores_used
- openstack_max_total_ram
- openstack_total_ram_used
- openstack_max_total_volumes
- openstack_total_volumes_used
- openstack_max_total_snapshots
- openstack_total_snapshots_used
- openstack_max_total_volume_gigabytes
- openstack_total_volume_gigabytes_used
- openstack_max_loadbalancers
- openstack_total_loadbalancers_used
- openstack_max_floatingips
- openstack_total_floatingips_used
- openstack_volume_size
- openstack_volume_status
- openstack_snapshot_size
- openstack_snapshot_status