Spectral analysis of astronomical data using Fourier and Morlet wavelet transforms.
If you want to run one of the notebooks of this repository, you just have to clone it on your computer using git clone https://github.com/gbogopolsky/spectral-analysis-astro.git
Then, using Anaconda, create the virtual environment and run the Jupyter Notebook kernel:
conda create --name spectral-analysis --file requirements.txt
conda activate spectral-analysis
jupyter notebook
And you're good to go. Enjoy!
Following these instructions, make sure that the pandoc
and texlive-xetex
are installed on your distribution using apt-get
, then create the LaTeX file using:
jupyter nbconvert --to latex --template article Rapport.ipynb
After some editing (presentation and removing one section level everywhere), run:
xelatex Rapport.tex
The output .pdf file is created.
I would like to thank Olga Alexandrova (page) and Baptiste Cecconi (page) from the LESIA lab of OBSPM for organising this practical session. Thanks also to C. Torrence, G. Compo and E. Predybaylo for developing the wavelet tranform routine in Python (here is the repository).