Repository, where all diagrams are stored.
Set plantuml:{filename}
as a fence information. filename
is used as the file name of generated diagrams. In the following case, md-sample-sequence.svg
is created.
is required.
Files will be uploaded to*
folder that is public and URLs can be used anywhere needed.
actor "L1 Metamask User (L1 = ETH/ARB/OPT/...)" as user
collections "Rolldown L1 Contract" as gaspcontract
box "Bob - dude who runs Gasp Collator + Sequencer as one service using docker-compose" #LightBlue
participant "Sequencer (Bob)" as sequencer
participant "Collator (Bob)" as collator
end box
box "Gasp Services" #LightYellow
collections "L1 Updaters" as updater
participant "Gasp Archive node" as archive
participant "Eigen Agregator & TM" as agregator
end box
box "AVS operator who runs Finalizer and Gasp Node in one docker container" #LightGreen
collections "Gasp Finalizer" as operator
collections "Gasp Follower Node (DB)" as follower
end box
participant "Gasp Eigen Layer ETH Contracts" as eigencontract
alt DEPOSIT token from L1 to L2
user --> gaspcontract: Approval of 1 WETH token usage
user --> gaspcontract: Trigger deposit of 1 WETH token
else WITHDRAWAL from L2 to L1
user --> collator: Initialize withdrawal
collator --> collator: Withdrawal validations (balance,token existence,...)
collator --> collator: Burn token for user
note over sequencer
There is round robin selection of sequencers and selected sequencer is supposed to bring ETH information (deposit) to Gasp Node.
end note
sequencer --> collator: Checks weather its my round to submit "read" from L1 to L2.
sequencer --> gaspcontract: Fetch PENDING_REQUESTS (reads)
note over sequencer
Sequencer monitoring system. Sequencer runs a job that tracks the updates and submits cancel requests if something observed.
Not related to selection of the sequencer to provide L1 "read". It's async job. Each Sequenbcer have NUM_OF_SEQUENCER - 1 cancel rights.
end note
loop for each PENDING_REQUESTS read
sequencer --> gaspcontract: get pending reads based on lastProccessedRequestOnL1 and lastAcceptedRequestOnL1
sequencer --> sequencer: compare PENDING_REQUESTS read and pending read from ETH contract. Using hashing, or byte array value.
alt PENDING_REQUESTS read is NOT same as on ETH contract
sequencer --> collator: Submit Cancel request extrinsic
else if the values match
note over sequencer
We dont need to do any action.
end note
note over sequencer
Sequencer have 1 READ right that allows him to provide the information from L1.
end note
sequencer --> gaspcontract: Read all ETH dep/with based on sequencer_latest_processed_block sequencer_latest_processed_transaction_id
sequencer --> collator: Submit provide_l1_read extr. with all fetched ETH dep/with
collator --> collator: store new value into pending_l1_reads with dispute period (block number)
group Separate action on Collator (maybe will move to separate UML)
loop for each block at end_dispute_period
loop for each l1_read
collator --> collator: Validates if Sequencer have enough Stake to submit
collator --> collator: Removes the READ right from sequencer (node storage update)
alt l1_read is DEPOSIT
collator --> collator: Deposits validations (balance,...)
alt ETH address DOES exists
collator --> collator: Fetch Gasp version of ETH adress
else ETH address does NOT exists
collator --> collator: Creates new ETH compatible Gasp address
alt ETH Asset registry DOES exists
collator --> collator: Fetch Gasp version of ERC20 token
else ETH address does NOT exists
collator --> collator: Register new asset registry and use it
collator --> collator: Mint token for user
else l1_read is CANCEL_RESOLUTION
note over collator
This action is triggered from Gasp contract when cancelation is resolved. It will be resolved by comparing the reads.
end note
collator --> collator: Find malicious l1_read in history with Sequencer address
collator --> collator: Call slash_sequencer(seq_address)
collator --> collator: Find malicious cancel request in history with Sequencer address
collator --> collator: Call slash_sequencer(seq_address)
note over collator
Our merkle leafs (pending updates) should be unique
end note
collator --> collator: Store succesfull WITHDRAWAL and CANCELS to pending_updates (leafs of Merkle root)
alt automatically when update_batch_size is reached
collator --> collator: Prepare batch for updater to update
else automatically timed when update_minimal_block_period is reached
collator --> collator: Prepare batch for updater to update
else optional creation
note over collator
There needs to be extrinsic to form a new batch. There is a configurable merkle_root_batch_creation_fee for this tx. This fee needs to be higher than Eigen layer estimated costs.
end note
collator --> collator: Returns back the READ right for sequencer (node storage update)
agregator --> archive: Check if there is a new batch of updates formed on the Node
agregator --> eigencontract: Submits task: "Finalize GASP blocks"
operator --> eigencontract: Fetches the new task
note over follower
Merkle Root should be build on demand inside RPC, when asked.
end note
operator --> follower: Reads pending_updates hashes and Merkel Root of pending_updates
operator --> operator: Validates N blocks and do storage proof - N should be configurable
operator --> operator: Prepare the Merkel Root of pending_updates as task response
operator --> operator: Sign the response with operator PK
operator --> agregator: Returns finished task
alt when quorum is met
agregator --> eigencontract: Submits TX with Merkel Root information
else quorum is not met
note over agregator
Mark previous task as failed and forma new one again. Max retries 3. Manual council intervention needed afterwards.
end note
agregator --> eigencontract: Retry task
eigencontract --> eigencontract: Stores Merkel Root information with batch identifier
updater --> eigencontract: Subscribed for for the finilized updates
updater --> eigencontract: Fetch the eygen layer Merkel Root
note over updater
Information submited from updater needs to be signed by Eigen Layer operators.
Rolldown contract needs to verify this against its stored list of operators aggregated key and stakes.
This list synchronisation is described in different diagram.
end note
updater --> gaspcontract: Executes TX to submit Merkle Root with pending_update batch identifier.
gaspcontract --> gaspcontract: Stores Merkel Root with pending_update batch identifier
user --> archive: Get the pending update and proof from RPC.
user --> gaspcontract: Close withdrawal (bringing pending_update + signed proof from Eigen layer)
gaspcontract --> gaspcontract: Validate the proofs
note over gaspcontract
Fee is payed by user
end note
gaspcontract --> user: Sends funds to user address
' Define the components
component "Frontend" as FE
component "Archive Node" as Archive
component "Stash"
component "Tenderly L1" as TenderlyL1
component "Collator"
' Secondary services
component "Sequencer"
component "Updater"
component "Tenderly ETH AVS Node" as TenderlyAVS
component "AVS Aggregator" as AVSAggregator
component "AVS Operator" as AVSOperator
component "Deposit Ferry" as DepositFerry
component "Withdrawal Ferry" as WithdrawalFerry
component "Closer"
' Define the relationships
FE --> Archive : Storage & Tx Execution
FE --> Stash : History & Stats
FE --> TenderlyL1 : Storage & Tx Execution
Archive --> Collator : Storage Sync & Tx Execution
Stash --> Archive : Indexes History
Stash --> TenderlyL1 : Indexes History
Sequencer --> TenderlyL1 : Read Deposits
Sequencer --> Archive : Execute Deposits
Updater --> TenderlyAVS : Read Merkle Roots
Updater --> TenderlyL1 : Submit Merkle Roots
AVSAggregator --> Archive : Withdrawal Batch Tracking
AVSAggregator --> TenderlyAVS : Submit Tasks to Process Merkle Roots
AVSOperator --> TenderlyAVS : Read Tasks
AVSOperator --> AVSlAggregator : Submit Task Results
DepositFerry --> TenderlyL1 : Read Deposits
DepositFerry --> Archive : Execute Deposits Faster
WithdrawalFerry --> Archive : Withdrawal Tracking
WithdrawalFerry --> TenderlyL1 : Execute Withdrawals Faster
Closer --> Archive : Withdrawal Tracking
Closer --> TenderlyL1 : Execute Non-Ferried Withdrawals
' Adjust Collator for better layout
Collator -[hidden]-> Archive : Align for spacing
Collator ..> Archive : Storage Sync & Tx Execution
box "Eigen Layer" #LightBlue
collections "Gasp Finelizers (AVS)" as operator
participant "Aggregator" as aggregator
participant "Eigen Layer contract" as eigencontract
participant "Gasp Eigen contract" as gaspeigencontract
end box
box "Gasp Rolldown" #LightYellow
collections "L1 Rolldown Contracts" as arbcontr
collections "L1 Updaters" as updater
end box
note over aggregator
Trigger is: registration event, ejection of the operator
end note
aggregator --> operator: Creates a task "Share operator list"
operator --> eigencontract: Fetch the the current aggregated BLS key and operators stake value
operator --> aggregator: Signed response of aggregated BLS key and operators stake value
note over aggregator
We will sign with new agg. key
end note
aggregator --> gaspeigencontract: Signs the task response
gaspeigencontract -> gaspeigencontract: Verifies the new operator list with quorum threshold and stakes
updater -> gaspeigencontract: On operator list change event, fetch the new list information
updater -> arbcontr: Submits new information
arbcontr -> arbcontr: Validates the new list with older aggreagated key and stake information
alt operator list is VALID
arbcontr -> arbcontr: Updates the storage with new aggregated key and operator stakes.
else operator list is INVALID
arbcontr -> updater: Failed tx, no update
actor "User (Metamask, L1)" as user
collections "L1 Rolldown Contract" as gaspcontract
collections "Sequencer" as sequencer
collections "Collator (GASP Node)" as collator
box "Gasp Services" #LightYellow
collections "L1 Updaters" as updater
participant "Archive Node" as archive
participant "Aggregator" as aggregator
end box
collections "AVS Operator" as finalizer
participant "AVS ETH Contract" as eigencontract
alt User deposits
user --> gaspcontract: Executes tx for deposit
else User withdraws
user --> collator: Request withdrawal
sequencer --> gaspcontract: Fetch pending withdrawals in a job
sequencer --> collator: Provide deposit info to collator using extrinsic
alt Dispute period ends
alt deposit
collator --> collator: Mint token
else withdrawal
collator --> collator: Burn token and create a batches of withdrawal
note over finalizer
GASP node used as dtabase to get Merkle Root
end note
aggregator --> archive: Fetch last batch
aggregator --> finalizer: Task for forming a Merkle Root for 1 batch
finalizer --> finalizer: Form and Signs the Merkle Root with BLS
finalizer --> aggregator: Signed Root
aggregator --> eigencontract: Submit task response to ETH Eigen Layer
updater --> eigencontract: get the latest task (Merkle Root)
updater --> gaspcontract: Store Merkle Root executing tx on L1
user --> archive: Get withdrawal proof
user --> gaspcontract: Complete withdrawal with Merkle Proof
gaspcontract --> user: Validates Merkle Proof agains Merkle Root and send funds
participant "Ferry" as ferry
box "Eigen Layer" #LightBlue
collections "Gasp Finelizers (AVS)" as operator
participant "Aggregator" as aggregator
participant "Eigen Layer contract" as eigencontract
participant "Gasp Eigen contract" as gaspeigencontract
end box
box "Gasp Rolldown" #LightYellow
collections "L1 Rolldown Contracts" as arbcontr
collections "L1 Updaters" as updater
end box
actor "Metamask User" as user
participant "" as app
participant "SDK" as sdk
actor "Metamask Wallet" as met
actor "Polkadot Wallet" as pol
box "Gasp Node" #LightBlue
participant "Gasp RPC API" as rpc
participant "Gasp Extrinsics API" as ext
end box
user --> app: Click wants to SWAP Token A for token B
app --> sdk: sign transaction with unified sign SDK method
alt METAMASK wallet is used
sdk --> rpc: Specific API to encode my sign method with params
rpc --> sdk: Returns encoded JSON representation of calling method
sdk --> met: Request to sign tx with aritrary JSON encoded data received from Gasp RPC
met --> user: Opening the signing popup
user --> met: Signs the tx
met --> sdk: Return signature
sdk --> ext: Execute (multy)SWAP with signature from Metamask
ext --> rpc: Decode the JSON data with same method it was encoded
else POLKADOT wallet is used
sdk --> pol: Request to sign tx
pol --> user: Opening sign popup
user --> pol: Signs tx
pol --> sdk: Returns sidned tx
sdk --> ext: Execute (multy)SWAP with signature from Polkadot compatible wallet
ext --> ext: Executes the SWAP
ext --> sdk: successfull tx execution
sdk --> user: successfull tx execution
actor "Engineer" as dev
actor "Reviewer" as review
actor "QA Team" as qa
participant "feature branch" as feature
control "Pull Request" as pr
participant "develop branch" as develop
participant "release branch" as release
participant "main branch" as main
develop --> feature: New branch matching Jira ticket ID and short name is created
dev --> feature: Engineer implements the feature with idividual commits.
feature --> pr: *Pull Request* is created
pr --> pr: e2e Tests executed
pr --> pr: fungible environment spawned
pr --> pr: custom build created
review --> pr: Code review is done by the team
dev --> pr: Code review changes are applied
qa --> pr: QA runs isolated test cases in isolated environments
pr --> develop: Squash commits and merge when all checks passed
develop --> release: We will check out to release branch
dev --> release: Runtime versions incremented and specific commit message triggers the build
qa --> release: QA will test the RC
dev --> release: Hotfixes will be applied to RC branch
release --> main: Merging into main will automatically deploy on Rococo
release --> develop: Merging into develop
release --> release: Release branch is deleted
main --> main: Maunaul steps to automaticaly deploy images into GCP for Kusama and Polkadot
actor "Engineer" as dev
actor "Reviewer" as review
actor "QA Team" as qa
participant "feature branch" as feature
control "Pull Request" as pr
participant "main branch" as main
main --> feature: New branch matching Jira ticket ID and short name is created
dev --> feature: Engineer implements the feature with idividual commits.
feature --> pr: *Pull Request* is created
pr --> pr: Unit tests are executed
review --> pr: Code review is done by the team
dev --> pr: Code review changes are applied
pr --> main: Squash commits and merge when all checks passed
main --> main: Automatic deploy on develop environment
qa --> main: QA team runs requered test cases
dev --> main: Release to production will be triggered by git *TAG*
main --> main: Automation will increase the version and generate changelog
dev --> main: Hotfixes will be commited and released as a new patch version