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The initial code for model SIR was based on the work published at gitHub The author has a webpage of the project All the copyrights for the parts of the code are due to Kai Sassaki As needed, we are using Apache 2.0 license also.

The code was modified to include data analysis a new models SEAIR-D was developed, which is very new and original with time delays, deaths and other constants. A conversion to a Jupyter Notebook was made and three other codes were included: one for initial conditions optimization by evolutionary algorithm, other for ploting results in a map and last one to see the evolution of evolutionary calculation.

The project has three codes for Covid-19 infection in:

  • countries at ./countries
  • Brazilian states at ./statesBrazil
  • district regions of Sao Paulo State, Brazil at ./regionsSP

After some time, and sucess, the Institute of Technologies of Sao Paulo State ( modified the code and used it to predict the demand for respirators and hospitals for Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The modified code, a Jupyter Notebook, can be accessed in subfolder ./regionsSP. It calculate infected, recovered and deaths for all administrative regions of Sao Paulo State. The final result can be seen at

It was also developed to predict Covid-19 infection for Brazilian States. You can see that at Jupyter Notebook at ./statesBrazil

If you have interest, ATS ( has some posts about Covid-19 pandemics modeling.

This is a open source contribution for the comunity. Please use and contribute!


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The project has some codes for Covid-19 infection in countries:

  • countries_Covid19_v7.ipynb: main code
  • initialConditions_YaboxNew_v6.ipynb: code to find initial conditions for the main code
  • historyIC.ipynb: plot optimization history while code of initial conditions is run
  • plotMaps.ipynb: plot results in a map (under development)

The Brazlian States and Sao Paulo region follows the same logic.

Countries and Initial Conditions

The countries and initial parameters file is data/param.csv

country start-date range s0 e0 a0 i0 r0 d0 START WCASES WREC WDTH
Brazil 3/2/20 200 10e6 1e-4 1e-4 200 100 50 50 .15 0.05 0.8
China 1/28/20 200 50e3 1e-4 1e-4 200 100 50 50 .15 0.05 0.8
Italy 2/28/20 200 2e6 1e-4 1e-4 200 100 50 50 .15 0.05 0.8
US 2/20/20 200 20e6 1e-4 1e-4 200 100 50 50 .15 0.05 0.8
India 3/10/20 200 10e6 1e-4 1e-4 200 100 50 50 .15 0.05 0.8

The optimized initial conditions are taken from the file data/param_optimized_Yabox_HistMin.csv

country start-date range s0 e0 a0 i0 r0 d0 START WCASES WREC WDTH
Brazil 03/03/20 200 32509903 0 0 71 477 329 286 0.4003 0.3898 0.1397
China 01/29/20 200 674008260 0 0 200 100 50 50 0.3926 0.4784 0.4224
Italy 02/29/20 200 525450 0 0 129 71 157 302 0.2731 0.2884 0.2461
US 02/19/20 200 23452805 0 0 135 167 472 194 0.7096 0.1996 0.3107
India 03/10/20 200 37519697 0 0 265 362 81 128 0.9216 0.3379 0.4319

The Brazlian States and Sao Paulo region follows the same logic.

SEAIR-D - Original variation, proposed by this author, from SEIR model for susceptible, exposed, asymptomatic, infected and deaths

  • S(t) are those susceptible but not yet infected with the disease
  • E(t) are those exposed to the virus
  • A(t) is the number of cases asymptomatic
  • I(t) is the number of infectious individuals
  • R(t) are those individuals who have healed
  • K(t) are those individuals who have died

: Effective contact rate [1/min]

: Fraction of effective contact rate [1/day]

: Recovery(+Mortality) rate γ=(a+b) [1/min]

: recovery of healed [1/min]

: mortality rate [1/min]

: is the rate at which individuals move from the exposed to the infectious classes. Three parameters , and are used along the days. The transition from to and from to are made by a sigmoid function. Its reciprocal is the average latent (exposed) period. [1/day]

p: is the fraction of the exposed which become symptomatic infectious sub-population.

(1-p): is the fraction of the exposed which becomes asymptomatic infectious sub-population.

: medicine and hospital improvement rate [1/day]

: direct mortality rate [1/day]

The inclusion of asymptomatic cases in SEIRD model generates SEAIRD equation system:

SEAIRD Equation

The last equation does not need to solved, because

The original σ is divided in three factors σ, σ0 and σ01 along time. They are linked by a sigmoid function to smooth the non-linearity.

How the final σ is calculated. It is a linear combination of two σ values. There is a development of 4 days to change from one value to another. The optimization also finds the startTdate to make the jump in addtion to the two values of σ.


How the sigmoid function is calculated. Numba package compiles the function and make it faster. The parallelization does not work but a LRU Cache is used to save memory and used it to evaluate repeated calculations.

from functools import lru_cache
from numba import njit
import math
import numpy as np

@njit #(parallel=True)
def sigmoid(x,vari,varf):
    rx=1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
    return vari*(1-rx)+varf*rx

def sigmoid2(x,xff,vari,varf,varff,half):        
    if half<=0:
        return sigmoid(x,vari,varf)
        return sigmoid(xff,varf,varff)

The function format has this shape by considering σ0=0 and σ01=1 or σ0=1 and σ01=0 with startT=5.

Sigmoid function

It is a new completely development model but inspired on the paper below. However, it does not have same equations and parameters:


The Epidemiological Model Development

The mathematical Models are based in Lotka-Volterra equations, it is like a predator-prey type of model.

General explanation about SIR model


A simple mathematical description of the spread of a disease in a population is the so-called SIR model, which divides the (fixed) population of N individuals into three "compartments" which may vary as a function of time, t:

  • S(t) are those susceptible but not yet infected with the disease
  • I(t) is the number of infectious individuals
  • R(t) are those individuals who have recovered (dead+healed)

β : Effective contact rate [1/min]

γ: Recovery(+Mortality) rate [1/min]

The SIR model describes the change in the population of each of these compartments in terms of two parameters, β and γ. β describes the effective contact rate of the disease: an infected individual comes into contact with βN other individuals per unit time (of which the fraction that are susceptible to contracting the disease is S/N). γ is the mean recovery rate: that is, 1/γ is the mean period of time during which an infected individual can pass it on.

The differential equations describing this model were first derived by Kermack and McKendrick [Proc. R. Soc. A, 115, 772 (1927)]:

SIR Model

SIR Equation

Here, the number of 'recovery' englobes both recovered and deaths. This parameter is represented by γ.

The SIR model code is based on

The γ is split in two by γ = a + b, where a is the rate of recoveries, and b is the rate of death. Since the death rate seems to be linear (1.5% in China, for example), this linear decomposition of γ is precise enough.

Some facts about SIR model:

  • The number of Susceptible individuals can only decrease
  • The number of Recovered can only increase
  • The number of Infectious individuals grows up to a certain point before reaching a peak and starting to decline.
  • The majority of the population becomes infected and eventually recovers.

The the Python notebook of

A well posed explanation about SIR Model is given by:

So we can add a new variable k, (Kill rate), and add to the system of equations. Therefore:

SIR-D Model

  • S(t) are those susceptible but not yet infected with the disease
  • I(t) is the number of infectious individuals
  • R(t) are those individuals who have healed
  • K(t) are those individuals who have died

β : Effective contact rate [1/min]

γ: Recovery(+Mortality) rate γ=(a+b) [1/min]

a: recovery of healed [1/min]

b: mortality rate [1/min]

SIRD Equation

The last equation does not need to solved, because

The SIR-D model code is based on the contribution of Giuliano Belinassi, from IME-USP, Brazil

Lewuathe/COVID19-SIR#13 (comment)

SEIR Model - World Health Organization WHO recommended

SEIR model general application


  • S(t) are those susceptible but not yet infected with the disease
  • E(t) are those exposed to the virus
  • I(t) is the number of infectious individuals
  • R(t) are those individuals who have recovered (deads+healed)

β : Effective contact rate [1/min]

γ: Recovery(+Mortality) rate γ=(a+b) [1/min]

σ: is the rate at which individuals move from the exposed to the infectious classes. Its reciprocal (1/σ) is the average latent (exposed) period.

SEIR Equation

The last equation does not need to solved, because

About SEIR models:

Codes from the book of Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals Matt J. Keeling & Pejman Rohani, Chaper 2.6, SEIR model

Validation with Real Data from Selected Countries

Comparison between US deaths infected and recovered data and SEAIRD model result

Comparison between Italy deaths infected and recovered data and SEAIRD model result

Comparison between China infected and recovered data and SEAIRD model result

Comparison between Brazil deaths infected and recovered data and SEAIRD model result

Comparison between India deaths infected and recovered data and SEAIRD model result

Databases Used in This Study


This code for countries has data from Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE

For Brazilian States and Sao Paulo State Regions the data is from

Data Analysis

Log Plot for Covid-19 Infection in 5 Countries

Log Plot for Covid-19 Infection in 5 countries second set

Bar Plot for Covid-19 for Infected Cases

Bar Plot for Covid-19 for Infected Cases Relative Bar Plot for Covid-19 for Infected Cases Absolute

Simple Exponential and Logistic Functions Fitting for Covid-19 Infected Data

Simple Exponential and Logistic Functions Fitting


Anderson, R. M., May, R. M. , Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control, Oxford University Press, 1991

Cotta R.M., Naveira-Cotta, C. P., Magal, P., Modelling the COVID-19 epidemics in Brasil: Parametric identification and public health measures influence medRxiv 2020.03.31.20049130; doi:

De la Sen, M., Ibeas, A., Alonso-Quesada, S.,Nistal, R., On a New Epidemic Model with Asymptomatic and Dead-Infective Subpopulations with Feedback Controls Useful for Ebola Disease, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2017, Article ID 4232971, 22 pages, Special Issue, Epidemic Processes on Complex Networks,

Glaser, A., Dynamics and Control of Infectious Diseases, Lecture, WWS556d, Princeton University, April 9, 2007.

Hamzaha, F.A.B.,Laub, C.H., Nazric, H., et al. CoronaTracker: World-wide COVID-19 Outbreak Data Analysis and Prediction CoronaTracker Community Research Group, [Submitted]. Bull World Health Organ. E-pub: 19 March 2020. doi:

Keeling, M.J., Rohani, P., Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals, Princeton University Press, Release Date: September 19, 2011, Princeton University Press, ISBN: 9781400841035 Python, C++, Fortran, Matlab codes availables at:

Kermack William Ogilvy and McKendrick A. G. 1927, A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemicsProc. R. Soc. Lond. A115700–721

Prem, K., Liu, Y, Russell, T.W. et al, The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling study,The Lancet Public Health,2020,ISSN 2468-2667, and

Trawicki, M. B., Deterministic Seirs Epidemic Model for Modeling Vital Dynamics, Vaccinations, and Temporary Immunity, Mathematics 2017, 5, 7;

William Ogilvy Kermack, A. G. McKendrick and Gilbert Thomas Walker 1997A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemicsProc. R. Soc. Lond. A115700–721