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My personal dotfiles

  • .bashrc: For the Bourne Again shell (bash) (uses Oh My Bash)
  • .ccl-init.lisp: For Clozure Common Lisp
  • For the Fish shell
  • init.el and early-init.el: For GNU Emacs
  • init.lua, ginit.lua, and plugins.lua: For Neovim
  • nanorc: For GNU Nano
  • .nethackrc: For the game Nethack
  • powershell.config.json and profile.ps1: For Microsoft PowerShell
  • .sbclrc: For Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL)
  • settings.json and bindings.json: For the Micro text editor (and using Nano-inspired keybindings)
  • .tcshrc: For the TENEX C shell (tcsh) (though I use fish now)
  • vimrc and gvimrc: For Vim and gVim (If I have to use it)
  • .zoidrc: For the Perl Zoidberg shell
  • .zshrc: For the Z shell (uses Oh My Zsh)