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phyloraster phyloraster website

phyloraster is an R package to calculate measures of endemism and evolutionary diversity using rasters of presence-absence as input, allowing to join the results derived from species distribution models (SDMs) with phylogenetic information.


The CRAN version of the package can be installed using:


The development version of phyloraster can be downloaded from GitHub using the following code:


phyloraster basics

Basic information about the package can be found at the package's webpage or in the vignette vignette("phyloraster-vignette")


  • Thank you for using phyloraster! Please remember to cite phyloraster in your publications:

Alves-Ferreira G., Heming N. M., Mota F. M. M. (2023). phyloraster: Evolutionary Diversity Metrics for Raster Data. R package version 2.0.

Alves-Ferreira G, Mota FMM, Talora DC, Oliveira, C, Solé, MK, Heming NM (2023). phyloraster: an R package to calculate measures of endemism and evolutionary diversity for rasters. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/ecog.06902.

  • For more information:


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