Every six months I walk my family, roommates, and friends through a security and privacy review. Also it serves as a conversation regarding its importance and a sharing of news, rumors, and new concerns. Here is what is on my checklist:
- Change all device names to something else
- Set up connecting devices to generate random MAC addresses when connecting to WiFi
- Check which 3rd-party apps have access to your Google account, specifically making sure they can't access gmails or google drive
- Make sure no app tokens have been generated on dropbox/box/mega/onedrive accounts
- Make sure no app tokens have been generated on any reddit/twitter/facebook/github accounts
- With a fresh device, on a never used wifi, do a google search for each other's names and handles, share findings
- Ensure phones have disk encryption enabled
- Ensure computing devices have disk encryption enabled
- Perform CloudFlare's Browsing Experience Security Check
- Consider using encrypted-sni
- Review the cost/benefit of disabling what'sApp backups
- Google for any leaks of your biometric information
- Use a browser that is NOT Chrome, or Edge. Suggestions include Brave Browser, Waterfox, and Firefox
- If using Firefox, Use Firefox Monitor
- If using Firefox, Use Facebook Continers extension by Mozilla (The creators of firefox)
- Turn off personalized ads on Google Products
- Turn off personalized ads on Windows 10
- Consider using an sms encryption app like Signal. Avoid using telegram or WhatsApp
- Opt-out of interest-based advertising by companies participating in the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) at the DAA’s Choice Page, located at http://www.aboutads.info/choices
- Perform a privacy & security check of Windows 10 using the open source SophiApp
- Make sure 2fa is enabled for all your accounts. Especially any financial, social, and mission-critical sites
- Make sure 2fa does not use Text message (SMS). DuckDuckGo "ss7 protocol hack"
- Consider using a YubiKey
- Make a list of all financial/401k/HSA/retirement/investment/loan Accounts
- Walk through your account list and change your passwords
- Make sure financial accounts have correct mailing address
- Make sure USPS mail forwarding is renewed on any previous residences
- Review emergency contacts on phones
- Review emergency medical information on phones
- Review blocked numbers and contacts on phones
- Review blocked numbers and contacts on social media sites
- Create/review code words for each other
- Create/review code phrases for each other
- Create/review a cognitive key
- Review Yubikey usage
- Ensure all devices are still getting updates, without any issues. Note any devices or software that are no longer supported
- Review any Cryptocurrency wallets and balances
- Review your sms encryption app for zero days or bad press coverage
[ ] Consider using keybase- Review Computers for installed software induced vulnerabilities and backdoors. Remember: "Freeware is killware"
- Check https://haveibeenpwned.com/
- Review your choice of mesh network apps, to make sure they still can be trusted. A mesh network chat app can continue to work after your government has disabled internet
- Make sure your home router/modem has up-to-date firmware. Consider buying your own instead of leasing from your ISP
- Change your SSID name and password
- Unlink your e2e chat apps from other devices. Relink where appropriate. i.e. web.whatsapp.com, signal app, telegram, keybase.io, etc
- Keep a list of all the apps/software/sites you and your family uses or has accounts with
- In this list, flag which are closed-source
- In this list, flag which are developed in countries you do not trust
- Make it a happen to check the settings or preferences of any app you install or use
- After creating an account on a service or website check the settings. Look for privacy or security settings
- Consider being more intentional and strategic with how you choose your passwords. Consider the pros/cons of my password system
- Make sure all of your devices are backed up and secured
- Download a copy of your facebook @ facebook.com/download
- Download a copy of all data from your gmail account
- Pick a random site or service that you use. Imagine if you woke up one day with it all deleted. Prepare your next steps
- Plan for a sim swap attack against you or your family. Have a checklist prepared
- Plan for your house burning down. Would you still have all your passwords? Would you lose access to any crypto currencies?
- Consider putting your passwords and accounts in an encrypted file. Place this file inside a password protected archive folder. Give this archive to two of your trusted friends, but to each of them only one password. This can serve as a backup or deadman switch.
- Consider expanding a mesh network of your choice by running the software or hardware. Like Bridgefy.me
goTenna Mesh
- View how an ad agency profiles you, using outbrain's interest viewer tool
- Read EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense List
- Government run troll farms will use your social media accounts to like or comment on posts without your knowledge. Use 2fa!
- Learn that sms based 2fa can not be trusted and is easily hacked. DuckDuckGo "ss7 protocol hack"
- Understand the importance of paying for a VPN
- Understand what a The Five Eyes (FVEY) country is and how that list has been expanded to include others.
- Understand that your location is tracked from the sky from the moment you leave your house from space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13BahrdkMU8
- Understand that the Slaughterbots dramatization is a warning and is coming soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HipTO_7mUOw
- Understand the OSI 7 layer stack and how privacy can be compromised in any of the layers
- Read and follow ways to secure your home network and modem/router @ RouterSecurity.org
- Read other Security Review lists i.e. A Defensive Computing Checklist by Michael Horowitz
- Learn that WhatsApp stores backups of your chats in plaintext on google's servers in a free data sharing agreement.
We need to talk about security and privacy in order to share tips and tricks and discuss how effective they are. I hope this list helps. Please open an issue ticket with updates or suggestions.
Always check the settings