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Today we are going to build the game memory.

You will need


  • an array of ten tiles
    • your ten 'tiles' will represent the letter values that will be displayed on each DOM tile. eg. ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', etc.]


  • window.onload()
    • write the Javascript that will select the Start Game button element from the DOM
    • assign the button DOM object to a variable
    • attach a click event listener to the variable
    • Inside that function, add a console.log('started'); and invoke the start() function
  • start()
    • shuffle the tiles array
    • then call makeAndDisplayTiles to build and display the gameboard
  • makeAndDisplayTiles()
    • this function should empty the container that will hold the gameboard tiles
    • it should clear the text in the info div
    • it should create 10 new game tiles (divs)
      • give them the class 'column'
      • give them a 'data-value' attribute from each element of your tiles array. The output for an 'A' tile will look like <div class="column" data-value="A"></div>
      • add the game tiles to the board
      • should add click events to each of the gameboard tiles
      • Each click event should call the game object's makePlay function passing it the tile that was clicked. Strong hint: the tile that was clicked is this tile . . .
  • makePlay(tile)
    • this function should set the text of the current clicked tile to the value stored in the data attribute
    • it should add a class of clicked to the tile
    • if the number of clicked tiles is 2, then it should check for a match
  • checkForMatch()
    • the entire contents in this function should be inside a setTimeout()
    • this should retrieve the data-value of the two clicked tiles
    • if they are a match
      • the 'clicked' class should be removed from the tiles
      • the 'found' class should be added
      • hint: the class value of the matching tiles should be 'column found'
    • if no match is found
      • the text of the clicked cards should be set back to empty
      • the found and clicked classes should both be removed
    • should check for a win
  • checkForWin()
    • if the number of found tiles is 10
      • remove the found class
      • add a won class
      • add a winning message to the info div


  • add a timer
  • user can select the speed of the setTimeout()
  • add a click counter
  • the click event should be turned off for matched tiles


Build the DOM like the movie Memento







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