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CSS - An Introduction

Lesson Objectives

  • Define CSS and describe its use
  • How to add CSS rules to your app
  • Diagram the structure of CSS
  • Demonstrate how to apply rules to a specific tag
  • List some common element properties that can be styled
  • Describe ids and classes. Explain when should we use which
  • Describe "The Cascade"
  • Describe how to combine various selectors
  • Describe Specificity
  • Conclusion


YOU DO - Questions

  • Describe 3 ways to add CSS to an app. Which is preferred? (David + Sophia)
  • Describe the 3 components of a CSS rule. (Kiran + Michael)
  • Describe id and class and use cases for each. (Kristina + Alan)
  • Explain specificity. (Alejandra + Daniel)
  • Describe 3 ways to combine CSS selctors. (Matt + Audrey + Deb)

Define CSS and describe its use

QUESTION: Can anyone define CSS for us?

HTML gives our site structure, but it doesn't do much in terms of how the site looks. This is where CSS comes in. CSS stands for:

  • Cascading - We'll Define shortly
  • Style - making things pretty!
  • Sheets - it's just a sheet of text, not a program we write

How to add CSS to your app

QUESTION: What are 3 ways to add CSS to an app?

  • A separate CSS file - This is the best practice. It allows multiple HTML pages to access a single file and share same set of CSS rules. You'll add a link to the CSS file in the head of your HTML page.
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
  • <style></style> tags - You can add CSS rules to your HTML by adding style tags to the head of your HTML page. The rules would only be accessible by that HTML page.
	  p {
		  color: red
  • Inline styling - This is when you add CSS rules directly to the HTML element. It's the least preferred way to write CSS.
<p style="color: red">Hello World!</p>

What are 3 ways to add CSS rules to your page? Which is the best practice?

Diagram the structure of CSS

A CSS file is composed of many rules. Each rule governs the appearance of certain elements. The generalized form looks like:

selector {

Everything inside the curly braces is called the "declaration block"

## Demonstrate how to apply rules to a specific tag
In Slack, can someone create the CSS rule to give all my `p` tags a red Georgia font and a yellow background?
If you wanted to style all the `<p>` tags of a page, you could style it by writing:
p {
	color: red;
	font-family: Georgia;
	background: yellow;

What are the 3 components of a CSS rule?

List some common element properties that can be styled

Here are some properties that you can set for an element



  • color
  • url()


  • measured in px (for now)


  • System fonts
    • Single word fonts
      • Arial, Courier, Times, etc
    • Multi word fonts must be placed in quotes
      • "Times New Roman", "Arial Black", "Lucinda Console"
    • Use to see what fonts are available on what operating systems
  • Generic fonts - serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace.
    • can have several font families as a value
      • starts with first and goes down the line until it finds one it has


  • normal, bold


  • left, right, center


  • Create an html page with a p tag and some placeholder text
  1. Change its text color to a hex value that you choose from
  2. Give it a background color
  3. Make the size of the text larger
  4. Change its font family to a sans-serif font
  5. Make the text bold
  6. Center the text

Describe ids and classes. Explain when should we use which

Sometimes just targeting an element is not enough. We can target other attributes of elements in our selectors.


  • <div id="left-column"></div>
  • #left-column {}
  • each id on a page must be unique
  • great for locations on a page that occur only once
    • e.g. left column, contact form, etc


  • <div class="large-module"></div>
  • .large-module {}
  • each class on a page does not have to be unique
  • great for repeatable ideas
    • module
      • e.g. ad unit, comment block, etc
    • function
      • e.g. active, important,etc


  • Add two more p tags.
  1. Give one p tag an id
  2. Give the other two p tags the same class
  3. Use just the ids and classes to style the p tag with the id differently from the ones with a class

Describe "The Cascade"

Some properties of elements are passed down to their children. In general:


  • Create a p tag within a section tag
  1. Put some text in the section tag, but outside the p tag
  2. Put some text in the p tag
  3. Style just the section tag to give its text some color
  4. Note that the p tag has also been affected

Describe how to combine various selectors

Selectors can be more complex than just an element, id, or class.

  • You can have a set of rules affect multiple sections by listing them
    • p, #left-column {}
      • will style all <p> tags and whichever tag has and id of "left-column"
  1. You can combine attributes (i.e. tag, class, id) to narrow down how many elements are effected
    • a.important {}
      • styles all anchor tags that also have an "important" class
        • <a class="important"></a>
    • #left-column.visible {}
      • styles whichever tag that has the id of "left-column", but only when it also has a class of "visible"
        • styled: <div id="left-column" class="visible"></div>
        • not-styled: <div id="left-column"></div>
    • .profile.minimized {}
      • styles all tags that have two classes (separated by a space): "profile" and "minimized"
      • <div class="profile minimized"></div>
    • div#left-column {}
      • you could combine tags and ids, but there's only ever going to be one tag with an id of "left-column"
      • it's not like you would have a group of tags with the same id, from which you want to select only those that are div tags
      • might as well just write #left-column {} and leave out the div
  2. You can filter out tags based on their ancestors
    • main p {}

      • will style all <p> tags that are descendants of <main> tags


  • Create a rule for all p tags that also have a class of active
  • For this rule, make the text bold
  • Add an active class to a few of your p tags
  • Create a rule for all div tags that also have a class of active
  • For this rule, make the text very large
  • Create a div tag with the class of active

Describe Specificity

When an element is being styled by two rules at the same time, the browser calculates which rule is more specific and applies that rule. To do this it looks at the selector. If both rules have the same specificity, the last rule is applied.

Count the number of ids in each rule's selector.

  • Apply whichever rule has more ids in its selector
  • In theory there should only be one or zero ids in each selector
    • #left-column #comments
      • do not need to filter by ancestor
      • can just write #comments

If the number of ids in each rule's selector is the same, count the number of classes

  • Apply whichever rule has more classes in its selector

If the number of ids and classes in each rule's selector is the same, count the number of tags

  • Apply whichever rule has more tags in its selector


Specificity is actually quite easy to calculate (these numbers are for example only):

selector value
tag 1 point
class 10 points
id 100 points
inline 1000 points

Specificity Ties

When two selectors have the same net specificity score, then the last one applied wins. Note that stylesheets are read from top to bottom, and their styles are applied in order… therefore, styles defined lower within your stylesheet will win.

For example, an inline CSS style rule would have priority over a rule in a CSS stylesheet.


What is the net specificity of this selector `div#features a.slide h3 span`
This selector is worth **114 points**.

What type of CSS rule would take precidence?

  1. seperate stylesheet
  2. inline
  3. within style tags?


  1. Create a rule for the tag with an id of blue
  2. Set the text color for this rule to blue
  3. On the next line of your css file, create a rule for all tags with classes of red
  4. Set the text color for this rule to red
  5. In your HTML, create a span tag with both an id of blue and a class of red
  6. Note that the color of the span tag should be blue



####Exercise #1 Add CSS to the Blog Mockup

####Exercise #2

Instagram Lab



  1. Explain the use case for a class vs an id
  2. What is specificity?



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