A GIS utility library which contains some regularly required math and image operations.
pip install py-gis-utility
- Geopandas - installation
- Rasterio - installation
- GDAL - installation
- Fiona - installation
- Shapely - installation
- Get perpendicular point with reference to start and end point of the segment
- Get perpendicular distance from point to line_segment
- Given a Point find a new point at an given 'angle' with given 'distance'
- Calculate a new point on the line segment given the distance from the start
- Euclidean computation
import numpy as np
from affine import Affine
from py_gis_utility.image_func import save_16bit_multi_band, save_8bit_multi_band
image = np.zeros((512, 512, 6))
transform = Affine(1.0, 0.0, 3422098.682455578,
0.0, -1.0, 5289611.291479621)
# Save 8bit
save_8bit_multi_band(image, transform, 26910, r"8bit.tiff")
# Save 16bit
save_16bit_multi_band(image, transform, 26910, r"16bit.tiff")
from py_gis_utility.helper import (
from py_gis_utility.image_func import shape_geometry_to_bitmap_from_data_frame_generator
data_frame = read_data_frame(r"path_to_geometry_file")
bitmap_gen = shape_geometry_to_bitmap_from_data_frame_generator(data_frame, (50, 50), (1, 1),
for i, bitmap in enumerate(bitmap_gen):
save_image_with_geo_transform(f"{i}.tiff", bitmap.array, bitmap.transform)
from py_gis_utility.helper import (read_image_with_geo_transform,
from py_gis_utility.image_func import image_obj_to_coordinates_generator, image_obj_to_shape_generator
img_obj = read_image_with_geo_transform(r"path_to_geo_referenced_file")
# output in format {'geometry': <shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon object at 0x0000022009E5EC08>, 'properties': {'id': 255.0, 'crs': CRS.from_epsg(4326)}}
shape_gen = image_obj_to_shape_generator(img_obj)
for g in shape_gen:
# output in format {'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[(621000.0, 3349500.0), .... ,(621000.0, 3349489.5)]]}, 'properties': {'id': 255.0, 'crs': CRS.from_epsg(4326)}}
co_ord_gen = image_obj_to_coordinates_generator(img_obj)
for g in co_ord_gen: