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Hugo Responsive Background Images

GitHub License GitHub tag (latest by date) GoLang version"

This module generates background images at specified widths and generates CSS with respective breakpoints. There is an option to lazyload. All you need to do is specify the image (page resource) and CSS selector on the page's front matter.

Non lazyloaded images are prefetched so they start to load before the browser has downloaded and parsed the css file.

LQIP placeholders are still under development.


Initialize project

Initialize the project for use with hugo modules with hugo mod init

Load this module

Add this module via the site's config:

# config.yaml
  - path:

Add js/webp status script for webp and lazyloading support

Optionally add <html class="no-js">

Then add the following to top of <head> which will replace no-js with js and add either webp or no-webp.

 const noJs = document.documentElement.classList.contains('no-js');
  if (noJs) document.documentElement.classList.remove('no-js');

  async function supportsWebp() {
    if (!self.createImageBitmap) return false;
    const webpData = '';
    const blob = await fetch(webpData).then(r => r.blob());
    return createImageBitmap(blob).then(() => true, () => false);
  (async () => {
    if(await supportsWebp()) {
    } else {

Add CSS partial

add the following to the site's head to load the generated CSS.

{{ partial "bg-images/css" . }}

Add JS partial for lazyloading support

Before </body> you need to add the following partial:

{{ partial "bg-images/js" . }}


Site config - Defaults shown

# config.yaml 
  widths: [600, 1000, 1500, 2000] # resize widths.
  root_margin: 25 # pixels - distance below screen that image load will be triggered
  min_width_difference: 30 # tolerance for creating resize width of image width if image is narrower than widths
  suppress_width_warning: false # suppress warning that image is too narrow
  placeholder: false # default placeholder type for lazy loaded images
    div: 4
    blur: 5

On page config - Front matter

  widths: [...]
  - src: image1.png # page resource relative to the page's markdown file
    selector: .section--hero # css selector to which the background will be applied
    lazy: true # optional see lazy load section for requirements (still experimental)
    placeholder: lqip/dominant/css color code # optional
    lqip: # optional override 
      div: 4
      blur: 5
    widths: [500, 900, 1200] # optional override

On page config, per width (in development)

  widths: [...]
  - src: image1.png
    selector: .section--hero
    - width: 500
      aspect_ratio: [9, 16] # vertical mobile ratio
    - width: 900
    - width: 1200
Name Site Page Image Width Description Default
src NO NO YES NO Image path (required)
selector NO NO YES NO CSS selector for bg-image (required)
root_margin YES NO NO NO Pixels below page to load bg-img 25
suppress_width_warning YES NO NO NO Suppress warning for narrow images false
min_width_difference YES YES YES NO If widths are too large for image,minimum width between a defined width and the image width for the image width to be used as resize width 30
lazy YES YES YES NO Enable lazy loading false
placeholder YES YES YES NO Placeholder type false

to add: "blur" .lqip.blur "div" .lqip.div "quality" .lqip.quality

Image processing params

Name Site Page Image Width Description Default
aspect_ratio (dev) YES YES YES YES Ratio for fill resize (slice W,H) null
quality YES YES YES YES Image resize quality (int) 75 *
rotate YES YES YES YES Counter clockwise rotation (int) null
resample_filter YES YES YES YES Filter for resize (string) null
hint YES YES YES YES Hint for webp conversion (string) null
anchor YES YES YES YES Smart crop anchor point (string) null
background_color YES YES YES YES BG color if transparency not supported null
  • quality default of 75 will override your hugo image processing defaults, but is necessary to keep files sizes down.

Change log


  • don't generate images wider than actual image.
  • if widths removed, generate width equal to image width if image is TOLERANCE wider than new widest width
  • markdown parameters are sanitized with error messages
  • placeholder option of lqip/dominant/color code


  • moved common utils to
  • level based sanitization and error messages
  • hugo image processing options added
  • only resize to 1x1 for .Color once! not at every width
  • js params moved to js partial
  • sanitize.html customize error message for site/page/image level config
  • change .resize.original and .resize.jpg to .resize.fallback and add np_jpg configuration to disable jpg conversion
  • rename $not_lazy_selectors to $eager_selectors
  • move lqip generation to partial (Still experimental due to large blur image files)
  • restrict-widths (local file for now) accepts slice of widths, or slice of maps which includes widths
  • option of fit_ratio to avoid wide images for narrow screens
  • params can be added at a width level
  • bg-images are preloaded as the browser does not discover them until css fully downloaded and parsed
  • .fill_ratio changed to .aspect_ratio



  • update readme to reflect new widths structure and check other params
  • check for caching issues and use partialCached
  • should there be a disable_lazy site param to override? or does lazyload degrade gracefully if not js class?
  • placeholder generation - check current setup (no blur config, no size config, no crop compensation yet)
  • test dominant
  • test sanitization at different levels
  • use resources.Copy to rename lqip image resource for easy debug in browser. check how lqip is handled in responsive-images
  • option for publish scss rather than compile to css and gen .RelPermalink with .Publish
  • option for publish js with .Publish
  • add placeholder: jpg_quality, webp_quality and general jpg_quality, webp_quality
  • input sanitization does not catch error if .src does not match image resource


  • fix up lqip as currently too big with blur applied
  • preload lazy webp placeholders
  • fix placeholder blur, currently looks great but increases lqip size x5



  • src: image1.jpg selector: .test lazy: true placeholder: lqip/dominant/color code lqip: blur: 5 div: 5
