- Algorithm 至少做一个leetcode算法题
- Review 阅读并点评至少一篇英文技术文章
- Tip 学习至少一个技术技巧
- Share 分享一篇有观点和思考的技术文章
所以,订阅像“得到“或是“极客时间“这样的专栏,都是比较low的学习方式,没有比看书好到哪里,只要你们不讨论,你们不践行,不教会别人,你们只会有一种勤奋 > 努力的幻觉——就好像看微信公众号一样,看似阅读量很大,感觉自己进步了,但是其实只是一种错觉。这种所谓的“努力“会导致盲目追求阅读的速度和数量,让人产生勤奋的幻觉,实际上这是低水平的勤奋,投入越多,损失越大。
如果你们试着将自己知道的东西向别人清晰地讲出来,你会发现这并不容易,心里想得挺明白,讲的时候就开始语无伦次了,如果再让你把知道的东西写下来呢?你可 能根本无从下笔。如果你不把学到的东西变成自己的技能,你就会进入“道理懂得再多,也改变不了自己“的境界,如果知识不能变成技能,那一点用都没有,但是知识要变成技能的这个过程会非常痛苦! 但是请注意,这种困难和痛苦才是真正深度学习的开始,而深度学习才真正决定你的人生高度!
- 2023
- ARTS-46
- Algorithm: Add Binary
- Review: What’s New Between Java 11 and Java 17
- Tip: RabbitMQ消息丢失问题
- Share: MegaEase纪念陈皓、IBM Developer中文站文章备份
- ARTS-46
- 2021
- 2019
- ARTS43-1003
- Algorithm: 10.正则表达式匹配
- ARTS42-0811
- Algorithm: 1108. IP 地址无效化
- ARTS41-0622.md
- Algorithm: 144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- Review: Why you should use GatsbyJS to build static sites
- Share: 漂在旧金山
- ARTS40-0617.md
- Algorithm: 561. Array Partition I, 627. Swap Salary
- Tips: filebeat+kafka+elk 实现nginx access log 实时监控分析
- ARTS39-0511.md
- Algorithm: 563. Binary Tree Tilt
- Review: Microservices Logging Best Practices
- ARTS38-0504.md
- Algorithm: 617. Merge Two Binary Trees
- Review: The Principles of Good Programming
- Tip: 再谈依赖倒置
- Share: Don't Make Me Think
- ARTS-37-0419.md
- Algorithm: 942. DI String Match
- Review: What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?
- Tip: Springboot logback profile
- Share: 阮一峰的每周分享第52期
- ARTS-36-0406.md
- Algorithm: 654.Maximum Binary Tree
- Review:10 best practices for better restfull api
- Tip:递归和调用栈
- Share:耗叔的分布式系统的技术栈
- ARTS-35-0324.md
- Algorithm:700. Search in a Binary Search Tree
- Review: 5 best libraries for making AJAX calls in React
- Tip: 二叉查找树相关的几个基本概念
- Share: 深入浅出UML类图
- ARTS-34-0316.md
- Algorithm: 35. Search Insert Position
- Review: Gateway Aggregation pattern
- Tip: Spring Cloud Gateway 的使用
- Share: Cloud Design Patterns
- ARTS-33-0309.md
- Algorithm:832. Flipping an Image
- Review: Inverted Index
- Tip: Aggregation pattern
- Share: 数据库设计的范式化和反范式化
- ARTS-32-0302.md
- Algorithm:977. Squares of a Sorted Array
- Review: Readme Driven Development
- Tip: Docker 容器中centos的编码问题
- Share: 开源项目的选择和使用
- ARTS-31-0216.md
- Algorithm: 905. Sort Array By Parity
- Review: Quick Tips for Fast Code on the JVM
- Tip: 使用 lombok @Slf4j 注解简化日志开发
- Share: 解决 Windows 7 IE11 HTML 页面打开空白问题
- ARTS-30-0127.md
- Algorithm: 961. N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array
- Review: Thread-Safe Collections
- Tip: 10进制计数法和2进制计数法
- Share: AOP入门分享PPT
- ARTS-29-0119.md
- Algorithm: 804. Unique Morse Code Words
- ARTS-28-0112.md
- Algorithm:976. Largest Perimeter Triangle
- Review: A Beautiful Race Condition
- Tip: mysqlslap
- Share: 理解Map
- ARTS-27-0105.md
- Algorithm: 709. To Lower Case
- Review: netty user guide for 4.x
- Tip: 寻找相似图片
- Share: 分享几个图片处理算法的文章
- ARTS43-1003
- 2018
- ARTS-26-1229.md
- Algorithm: Unique Email Address
- Review: netty user guide
- Tip: python 爬取当当图书信息
- Share: 分享来自clean code 和蔡学镛的几句话
- ARTS-25-1222.md
- Algorithm: Integer to Roman
- Review: 10 Common Software Architectural Patterns in a nutshell
- Tip: spring.resources.static-locations
- Share: github app image bot
- ARTS-24-1215.md
- Algorithm: Implement strStr()
- Review: Netty User guide
- Tip: 使用 datax 将 mysql 数据导入 elasticsearch
- Share: Chinese translation of Netty 4.x User Guide
- ARTS-23-1208.md
- Algorithm: Middle of the Linked List
- Review: The Composite Pattern
- Tip: Python3 configparser
- Share: Spring Boot 设置跨域访问
- ARTS-22-1201.md
- Algorithm: Single Number
- Review: Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams
- Tip: Spring Cloud Ribbon 负载均衡重试机制
- Share: ByteScout SQL Trainer
- ARTS-21-1124.md
- Algorithm: Delete Columns to Make Sorted.
- Review: Graceful Shutdown Spring Boot Applications.
- Tip: Web Server Graceful Shutdown.
- Share: Spring Cloud Ribbon 负载均衡.
- ARTS-20-1118.md
- Algorithm: Number of Recent Calls
- Review: Java Thread Pool Example using Executors and ThreadPoolExecutor
- Tip: 线程池的饱和策略
- Share: 正确设置线程池的大小
- ARTS-19-1111.md
- Algorithm: Reorder Log Files
- Review: 30 best practices for logging at scale
- Tip: Ubuntu 启动界面修改
- Share: 关于日志的那些事儿
- ARTS-18-1104.md
- Algorithm: Reverse String
- Review: shard
- Tip: sharding-sphere
- Share: mycat 从入门到放弃
- ARTS-17-1028.md
- Algorithm: Remove Element
- Review: What is the Java 9 Module System?
- Tip: Mycat 原理
- Share: 近期学习kafka和分库分表的一些感受
- ARTS-16-1021.md
- Algorithm: Word Break
- Review: 封装 kafka client
- Tip: 使用 jenkins pipeline 定时运行python脚本
- Share: 关于分库分表
- ARTS-15-1013.md
- Algorithm: Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
- Review: Apache Kafka Quickstart
- Tip: eureka ribbon 负载均衡遇到的坑
- Share: 金字塔原理
- ARTS-14-1006.md
- Algorithm: Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Review: CAP theorem
- Tip: There is no tip this week.
- Share: 分享一篇去年写的关于抱怨的短文
- ARTS-13-0929.md
- Algorithm: Valid Parentheses
- Review: Dynamic Proxies in Java
- Tip: Valid Parentheses 解题思路
- Share: 近期技术点总结
- ARTS-12-0922.md
- Algorithm: Longest Common Prefix
- Review: Understanding the Proxy Design Pattern
- Tip: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from xxx.jar
- Share: Proxy Pattern
- ARTS-11-0915.md
- Algorithm: Jewels and Stones
- Review: Strategy Pattern Tutorial with Java Examples
- Tip: canal-server docker
- Share: Strategy pattern
- ARTS-10-0908.md
- Algorithm: Roman To Integer
- Review: Apache Commons Chain
- Tip: sessionStorage 和 localStorage
- Share: Chain of Responsibility Pattern
- ARTS-09-0901.md
- Algorithm: Palindrome Number
- Review: Using Command Pattern in Java
- Tip: 两个小坑(vue 大小写问题和nginx client max body size 问题)
- Share: Command Pattern
- ARTS-08-0826.md
- Algorithm: String to Integer (atoi)
- Review: docker network modes
- Tip: ocker container 使用主机网络
- Share: Observer Pattern
- ARTS-07-0818.md
- Algorithm: Reverse Integer
- Review: A container networking overview
- Tip: Maven Profile
- Share: reverse integer 解题思路
- ARTS-06-0811.md
- Algorithm: ZigZag Conversion
- Review: google chrome now labels http sites as 'not secure'
- Tip: Docker 容器多目录挂载
- Share: 负载均衡
- ARTS-05-0804.md
- Algorithm: Longest Palindromic Substring
- Review: Demystifying Dynamic Programming
- Tip: Docker spring boot 项目使用位于容器外(宿主机)的配置文件
- Share: Jenkins Pipeline script
- ARTS-04-0728.md
- Algorithm: Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- Review: Docker for beginners、Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
- Tip: Canal 找不到binlog问题分析
- Share: 几期ARTS的一些感悟
- ARTS-03-0722.md
- Algorithm: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Review: Top 10 Best Practices for Jenkins Pipeline Plugin
- Tip: CI & CD with Jenkins pipline
- Share: CI & CD with Jenkins pipline
- ARTS-02-0715.md
- Algorithm: Add Two Numbers
- Review: Code Review Best Practices
- Tip: 列举所有oss对象的方法
- Share: 20条数据库设计最佳实践
- ARTS-01-0707.md
- Algorithm: Two Sum
- Review: Understanding MySQL Queries with Explain
- Tip: springboot 多模块项目引入问题
- Share: Adapter Design Pattern in Java
- ARTS-26-1229.md