Copyright 2020 by Ben Cotton. Licensed under the copyleft-next license.
coffee_match is a tool to help remote teams develop social bonds by randomly sorting a provided roster into groups to have informal meetings. A "coffee coordinator" runs the script and sends out the matches. Then the matched people schedule a meeting among themselves to talk about whatever.
coffee_match reads the roster from a plain-text file, one line per participant.
coffee_match accepts the following options:
Option | Description |
-h, --help | show this help message and exit |
-f FILE, --file=FILE | The roster file to use |
--remainder={skip,accept,merge} | How to deal with remainders (see below) |
-s SIZE, --size=SIZE | The size of group to create |
Sometimes your team doesn't divide evenly by your group size. In this case, you have three options:
- "skip" (default): The remaining people don't get included in a match this time
- "accept": The last group will be smaller, and that's okay. (Note: if the final group is of size 1, we don't currently do anything about that. It's a risk you take)
- "merge": Make the last group bigger by adding all of the remaining people to it.
coffee_match requires Python 3 with the following modules:
- optparse
- random
- sys
Contributions to this project are accepted under the copyleft-next license. In other words, inbound equals outbound.
All contributors agree to abide by the Contributor Covenant.
in this repo.