react-cnode | 中文
A frontend project for BBS community using API developed with React.js.
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$ git clone
$ cd react-cnode
$ yarn # Install dependencies
$ yarn start # Development
$ yarn build # Production build
- Mobile support
- Use Immutable data in Redux
- Base on Ant Design library
- webpack 4 development and production configuration
- Babel for ES6 +
- Use Jest for unit test, Enzyme for UI test, Sinon for mock and spy function
- ESLint and Prettier for JavaScript code format, stylelint for scss code lint
- Use husky and lint-staged for code lint before git commit
- Github Markdown CSS style
- React
- Redux
- React Router 4
- Immutable
- Ant Design
- webpack 4
- Babel
- Jest + Enzyme + Sinon
- ESLint + Prettier + stylelint
- husky + lint-staged
$ yarn test # Test
$ yarn test:update # Update test snapshots
$ yarn test:watch # Test interactive mode
$ yarn coverage # Generate test coverage
$ yarn prettier # Use Prettier to format all js file under src directory
$ yarn lint:style # Use stylelint to lint all scss file under src directory