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Mafiasi Kulturgenießer

TODO: Fill out a proper project description

Configuration Details

The application is intended to be configured via environment variables. The following variables are defined:

Name Default Required? Description
APP_MODE prod in docker, dev otherwise yes The mode in which mafiasi_kultur operates.
Changing this may affect the defaults of other variables.
DJANGO_DEBUG False except in dev mode no Whether djangos debug mode is enabled (django debug reference)
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY unset except in dev mode yes The django secret key used for cryptographic operations (django secret key reference)
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS unset except in dev mode yes The hostnames that are allowed to connec to the django server (django allowed hosts reference)
DJANGO_DB unset except in dev mode yes A database url for django to connect to (db url format reference)
DJANGO_CACHE locmem://default no A cache url for django to use (cache url format reference)
DJANGO_ALLOWED_CORS_ORIGINS [] except in dev mode no List of HTTP origins that are allowed to do CORS requests against the django api
DJANGO_TRUST_REVERSE_PROXY False no Whether X-Forwarded-For headers are to be trusted (enable this if django is running behind a reverse proxy)
DJANGO_OPENID_CLIENT_ID unset except in dev mode yes The openid client id which django uses to validate authentication tokens
DJANGO_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET unset except in dev mode yes The openid client secret for the configured client id
OPENID_ISSUER mafiasi-identity no The openid issuer that authors access tokens and which should be consulted for validation
DJANGO_ANY_OPENID_USER_IS_ADMIN False no Whether any user that logs in via openid should be made a django superuser
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_GROUPS [] no A list of group names whose members should be made django superusers
DJANGO_ALLOWED_METRICS_NETS, ::/64 no List of IP networks which are allowed to access the /metrics endpoint
NUXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE unset except in dev yes The base url of the django application (e.g.
NUXT_PUBLIC_OPENID_CLIENT_ID dev-client no The openid client id which the frontend uses for authentication
NUXT_PUBLIC_OPENID_ISSUER mafiasi-identity no The openid issuer which the frontend uses for authentication (should be the same as the one in configured for django)

For the configuration of these variables in dev mode, see the configuration in