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The ROS interface for the Freeplay Sandbox experimental framework

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Free-play Sandbox -- Core components

This project is part of the 'Free-play Sandbox' experimental framework for Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction research. Check the PInSoRo website for details and documentation.

ROS interface & autonomous play behaviour

The freeplay sandbox task

This repository contains the ROS code for the 'Free-play Sandbox' experimental framework for HRI.


For the entirety of this guide, I will assume you are running Ubuntu Linux on the touch screen (hereafter named 'sandtray'). In particular, Windows is not (and can not be easily) supported.

If not yet installed, start by installing ROS (tested with ROS Kinetic, but other versions might work as well).


git clone
cd freeplay-sandbox-ros
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make install


First, start roscore (and if desired, rviz) in a dedicated terminal.

Starting the free-play sandbox environment

  • start the GUI (from QtCreator for instance). When needed, press three times in the bottom left corner to show the menu.

  • roslaunch freeplay_sandbox interactive_playground.launch

This launch file:

  • broadcast the sandtray 3D model + camera frames;
  • build an occupancy map based on the positions of the objects within the sandbox, and provide a A*-based path planning service to move around said objects;
  • creates an action server to move sandbox objects to specific positions, using the path planner;
  • process the sandbox background image to extract possible zones (using simple colour-based segmentation).

The basic interactive playground, viewed in RViz

You can open in rviz the provided configuration (config/sandtray.rviz) to obtain the above display.

The poses of the various play items are reflected in the rviz interface when interacting with them on the sandtray.

Artificial player

A simple (rather stupid) autonomous play behaviour can be started, to have the robot to 'do something'. This basic behaviour is (purposefully) non-social (the actions of the other users are not taken into account when playing), and can be used as a baseline of a non-social robot. See below the exact play policy.

The artificial player can be started with or without (default) robot. Currently, only Nao is supported.

Without robot

Simply run:

$ roslaunch freeplay_sandbox play.launch

With the robot

Display in RViz of the sandbox, with a Nao robot

$ export NAO_IP=<the IP of the Nao>
$ roslaunch freeplay_sandbox play.launch with_robot:=true

See below to use as well robot localisation using a fiducial marker.

Use roslaunch --ros-args freeplay_sandbox play.launch to see the full list of options.

Tracking visual focus

Gaze tracking is performed by an independent ROS node, gazr. Install it first, making sure you enable the ROS support. You will also need a camera, preferably calibrated (otherwise, the gaze localisation will not be accurate at all). For quick testing with a desktop webcam, you can download and install the gscam driver.

Once gaze tracking work, you can run:

$ roslaunch freeplay_sandbox visualfocus_tracking_gscam.launch

This launch file:

  • starts the gscam webcam driver (you might want to set the argument camera_info_url to point to the calibration file of your webcam).
  • starts gazr
  • computes the intersection between the estimated gaze direction and the sandtray.

This intersection, ie the current visual focus of the participant, can be visualised on the sandtray by enabling the corresponding option in the sandbox menu (that appears by clicking three times in the bottom left corner).

Data recording

Two launch files help with recording the interactions. See freeplay-sandbox/analysis for data analysis tools.

Configuration of the recording

The launch file prepare_recording.launch starts the video and audio streams, as well as publish the base TF nodes (sandtray + camera positions).

Video resolution and compression parameters are set either in prepare_recording.launch or in dual_sr300.launch.

This launch file expect 2 SR300 cameras and one Kinect 2, used as the environmental camera.

Actual recording

The launch file record.launch configure and execute rosbag to record the relevant topic. See the source for the exact list of recorded topics.

Importantly, the recording duration must be set with duration:=... (possible values include a number of seconds, 10m, 2h, etc. - by default, only 1 minute is recorded).

Be aware that the bag file become quickly rather big (expect 500MB/minute).

Nodes documentation


sandbox_map_and_plan first wait for the shapes of everything single sandbox items to be published as marker arrays. By default, listen to the /footprints topic.

After this initial step, it listen over ROS TF for the position of each of the items, and generate an occupancy map. Note that the size and resolution of the map is currently hard-coded to 60x33.5cm, 5cm per cell.

It then exposes a planning service (plan_motion) that uses the A* algorithm to plan a path to move an item from A to B. Upon completion the resulting path is as well published on the /sandbox_manipulation_path topic, for visualisation in RViz.


This nodes exposes a ROS action server (move_sandbox_items) that waits for a goal (item name, target position), calls the planner, and 'executes' the motion by publishing a sequence of ROS poses corresponding to virtual touches of the robot on the surface of the GUI, causing the robot to actually move items around.


This node actually encodes the play strategy for the robot. Currently, the following behaviour is hard-coded for the 'Zoo' environment:

at each step, - either move one animal to its habitat - or one block onto the border of one of the enclosure

Animals and blocks are picked up only if they are in (virtual) arm reach, and the closest animals/blocks are always prefered.

Advanced features

Sandtray localisation using fiducial markers

By tapping three times on the bottom right corner of the sandbox, a fiducial marker. This marker can be used by the robot to localise itself wrt to the sandtray.

When running, a dedicated node (sandtray_localisation) listens on a special topic (by default, /sandtray/signals/robot_localising) for a signal (ie, an empty message). The signal is emitted by the sandtray when it shows the fiducial marker. Upon reception of the signal, it attempts to detect a specific fiducial marker (by default, chilitags '709', can be set with _marker_id:=...) of a specific size (by default 10cm, can be set with _marker_size:=...). If the marker is found within 5 seconds, the node starts to publish a static transform between frames _target_frame (by default, sandtray) and _reference_frame (by default, odom), thus making all the robot TF frames visible from the sandtray base frame. If the robot successfully detects the fiducial marker, it says "I know where I am".

Everytime a new signal is received, the transform is updated: if you move the robot, simply tap again on the bottom right corner, and the robot will re-localise.


To enable marker-based localisation, launch play.launch with the option with_marker_localisation:=true.

Disabling gnome-shell gestures

To disable gnome-shell gestures, open LookingGlass (Alt+F2 > lg) and execute the following command:

global.stage.get_actions().forEach(a => a.enabled = false);


The ROS interface for the Freeplay Sandbox experimental framework






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