- clone simuGL environment, which is a opengl based environment to draw objects in a 3D space. simuGL
- You have to install opengl, apriltag, opencv in your computer.
- install opengl, opencv, apriltag in you computer
- git clone https://github.com/freedomcondor/simuGL.git in any place, say it is ~/simuGL.
- say you have this tagTestBench at ~/tagTestBench. Change ~/tagTestBench/CMakeList.txt line 4 to your simuGL location. In this case, ~/simuGL/src.
- compile and run: mkdir build, cd build, cmake .., make.
- If you have problems linking opengl libraries (especially when your are using windows), the CMakeList.txt responsible for this is located at ~/simuGL/src/GLTools/CMakeLists.txt. You may need to change it to fit your system configuration.
Basically, simuGL creates a opengl environment, and calls simu_init(), simu_step(), simu_draw(), simu_destroy() located in tagTestBench/MainLoop.cpp. This MainLoop.cpp is responsible for using opencv to open the camera or read a local image, using apriltag libraries to detect tags and estimate poses, and draw the result in the 3D space.