- Make sure Python 3.7x and Pipenv are already installed. See here for help.
- Clone the repo and configure the virtualenv:
$ git clone https://github.com/fredIV/django-sosa.git
$ cd django-sosa
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
- Set up the initial migration for our custom user models in
and build the database.
(django-sosa-hash) $ python manage.py makemigrations users
(django-sosa-hash) $ python manage.py migrate
- Create a superuser:
(django-sosa-hash) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
- Confirm everything is working:
(django-sosa-hash) $ python manage.py runserver
Load the site at
- Use PostgreSQL locally via Docker
- Use django-environ for environment variables
- Update EMAIL_BACKEND to configure an SMTP backend
- Make the admin more secure