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CS 5331 - Pattern Recognition Project

The goal of this project was to train an agent to play Kung Fu Master using reinforcement learning. Report can be found here.


Experiments were run on an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine with 7GB RAM and 2 cores running on Microsoft Azure. We encountered difficulties when trying to install gym[Atari] on a machine running windows 10.


To see the available arguments, run:

python3 -h

To train using the default options (same as in report), run:

python3 KungFuMaster-v0

The trained model and logs (as well as checkpoints) will be saved to <cur_dir>/chkpt

To visualize the training progress, run:

tensoroard --logdir=chkpt/logs

Although any atari environment can be specified, the preprocessing step assumes that the current environment is for Kung Fu Master. You may have to modify to remove those details.


To see the available arguments, run:

python3 -h

To obtain a baseline average using a random agent, run:

python3 path -rnd -r

The -r flag turns on rendering so you can see the play but slows down the evaluation significantly. You can set the number of episodes using the '-e' flag.

To evaluate using the final trained model (you can turn off rendering), run:

python3 chkpt/KungFuMaster-v0.dqn -r

If training was interrupted before completion, you can still evaluate with one of the saved checkpoints:

python3 chkpt/KungFuMaster-v0_.dqn -c -r

Watch the trained agent here and the random agent here