./buildimg.sh bpi-r3 bookworm
./buildimg.sh bpi-r4 jammy
#use kernel 6.12 for r2 (normally 5.15 is used because of internal wifi support)
./buildimg.sh bpi-r2 bookworm 6.12
for boards not yet supported by my u-boot/kernel pipeline or for emmc it may be needed to use own compiled packages.
the buildimg.sh reads a configfile named sourcefiles_board.conf where 'board' is the supplied board name (e.g. "bpi-r4").
to use your own compiled uboot base-image (created by "build.sh createimg" in my uboot repo) use this setting:
for own kernel-package (created by "build.sh pack" in my kernel repo) use this:
both configs can be used together to not download anything from my github releases.
add this option in the sourcefiles_board.conf
userpackages="ethtool iperf3 tcpdump"
gunzip -c bpi-r3_sdmmc.img.gz | sudo dd bs=1M status=progress conv=notrunc,fsync of=/dev/sdX
user: root password: bananapi
ssh root-login enabled (should be disabled after other users are created)
/etc/ssh/sshd_config (open e.g. with nano): add # before PermitRootLogin=yes and restart ssh daemon
systemctl restart ssh