The one bashrc to rule them all
To clone:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal' git clone ...
Mac OS X:
Install Homebrew or MacPorts
brew install bash-completion
brew install zsh-completions
sudo port install bash-completion
sudo port install zsh-completions
pacman -S git
Set MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict or CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict. This will change the behavior of ln to use mklink and create native Windows symlinks.
WARNING: You need to run as administrator, as users don't have the permission to create symlinks. (
If the Windows user you are running msys under is not an administrator, run cmd.exe as administrator, then run msys2 shell and then do 'export $HOME=/home/' befor running the script
Also, the msys2 vim package comes without 'vi' alias, run cmd.ex as administrator and do in /usr/bin 'ln -s vi vim.exe'
To share Windows and MSys2 home directories, add the following line to /etc/fstab and relogin to Windows
C:/Users /home ntfs binary,noacl,auto 1 1
yum install bash-completion -y