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ODI Open Data Certificate


This code is open source under the MIT license. See the file for full details.


Certificates can be created and updated using the JSON API.

The API methods are:

  • GET /jurisdictions - This method provides a list of the available jurisdictions and associated information
  • GET /datasets/schema - This method provides the list of questions, their types and possible choices. You must specify your jurisdiction by title with the jursidiction GET parameter
  • POST /datasets - This method allows you to create a new dataset, it will be automatically published if valid
  • POST /datasets/:id/certificates - This method allows you to update a dataset, it will be automatically published if valid


Each user can access their API token from their account page. This token is required to authenticate with the API. The request should authenticated with Basic HTTP Authentication, using the user's email address as the username and token as the password i.e. [email protected]:ad54965ec45d78ab6f.

Questionnaire schema

The schema method returns a hash where each question is identified by its key in the hash. Each question also has one of the following types: string, radio, checkbox and repeating. Radio and checkbox types will also have an options hash, which specifies the allowed options, which should be identified by their key.

Questions which are required to publish the dataset will also have required: true.

An example:

{"schema": {
    "dataTitle": {
        "question": "What's a good title for this data?",
        "type": "string",
        "required": true
    "publisherRights": {
        "question": "Do you have the rights to publish the data as open data?",
        "type": "radio",
        "required": true,
        "options": {
            "yes": "yes, you have the right to publish the data as open data",
            "no": "no, you don't have the right to publish the data as open data",
            "unsure": "you don't know whether you have the right to publish the data as open data"
    "versionManagement": {
        "question": "How do you publish a series of the same dataset?",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "required": false,
        "options": {
            "url": "as a single URL",
            "consistent": "as consistent URLs for each release",
            "list": "as a list of releases"
    "administrators": {
        "question": "Who is responsible for administrating this data?",
        "type": "repeating",
        "required": false

Posting to a dataset

To create or update a dataset data should be sent in the format (using the above schema):

    "jurisdiction": "GB",
    "dataset": {
        "dataTitle": "My open data",
        "publisherRights": "unsure",
        "versionManagement": ["url", "list"],
        "administrators": ["John Smith"]
  • Checkbox and radio fields should use the option key from the schema
  • Checkbox and repeating fields should be sent as an array

If your request has a documentationUrl, the system will attempt to use that dataset's metadata (for example: if it is hosted in a CKAN repository or marked up with DCAT) to autocomplete as many questions as possible.

You will then get a response in this format:

  "success": "pending",
  "dataset_id": 123,
  "dataset_url": ""

You can then make a request to the dataset_url to get the final response. There may be a delay before your dataset is created, so if you get a success state of pending, please try again in a few seconds.


The Open Data Certificate uses surveyor to generate and display the data questionnaires. We've changed the look, feel & structure to fit the site and extended it to support certificate levels.

Although all of Surveyor's functionality is supported - much of it isn't incorporated into the initial designs, and so hasn't been tested to work correctly. Experiments with the demo "kitchen sink survey" illustrate that some of the question types that Surveyor supports break the CSS, so please beware if extending the current questionnaire with other question types - they will need to be tested and possibly need CSS/renderer design changes.

Deploying questionnaires

Any changed surveys can be generated by running a rake task:

# build all surveys in ./surveys
rake surveyor:build_changed_surveys

# specify a survey directory
rake surveyor:build_changed_surveys DIR=surveys/development

Survey versions

When a survey is updated and re-imported, it will be imported as a new version of the survey.

The identity of a survey is judged by the title (the string following survey on the first line of the survey dsl). This is transformed slightly from "My awesome title!!1" to "my-awesome-title"

With this in mind, be careful:

  • that different survey files have unique names
  • that changing the name of the survey might be painful.

Surveyor extensions

We've extended surveyor with some attributes for the Open Data Certificate.


A 'Requirement' is a bar that needs to be passed to contribute to attaining a certain level in the questionnaire. This is not the same as being "required" - which is about whether a question is mandatory to be completed. For the moment, requirements are stored in the questions database table as labels with a 'requirement' attribute set.

Questions and Answers are associated to requirements by having their 'requirement' attribute set as the same value. Thus; for every label with a requirement set, there should be a question (or an answer) with the same value set.

  • :dataset_curator - Identifies (by its 'reference_identifier' value) which form element should be used to populate the dataset curator field (currently publisher).

  • :dataset_title - Identifies (by its 'reference_identifier' value) which form element should be used to populate the dataset title field (currently dataTitle)

  • :description - Copy to be displayed above the questionnaire

  • :default_locale_name - When there are multiple translations, this is the friendly name for the default one (the others are defined in the translation files)

  • :display_header - Whether the header should be displayed on the header (defaults to true)
  • :requirement - If the question is a Label-type, requirement is the identifier of an improvement that is recommended to meet a certain level. The value will be stored as "pilot_1", "pilot_2", "pilot_3", "basic_1", "basic_2", etc. With the part before the underscore representing the level, and everything after the underscore uniquely identifying the requirement. If the question is a "normal" question (ie: not a label), the requirement attribute is used to identify to the recommended improvement this question satisfies.

  • :required - Whether or not this question is required/mandatory to be completed (it also has to be triggered in the questionnaire by its dependencies). Any value in here will make the question mandatory, but it can also be used to identify if it is mandatory for a specific level of certificate attainment (if this requires different styling in the UI) ie: :required #=> mandatory for every level , :pilot #=> mandatory for 'pilot' level

  • :help_text_more_url - The url to link to at the end of the help text

  • :text_as_statement - How the text should appear when it's displayed on the certificate (eg. "What is your name?" should read as "Name")

  • :display_on_certificate - If the question should appear on the certificate

  • :discussion_topic - Sets the topic (and enables) juvia discussion for this question (accessible by clicking "Ask for help with this question"). The :help_text value for this question will appear at the top of the discussion page.

  • :requirement - Identifies the recommended improvement that this answer satisfies.

  • :help_text_more_url - as above

  • :text_as_statement - as above

  • :input_type - alternative input types (eg. url, number, phone)

  • :placeholder - placeholder text displayed in a field before anything is entered


Questionnaires are able to be translated and a user can select the locale when they are filling them out.

To enable this for a questionnaire:

  • specify a default_locale_name for the survey
  • set any alternative translations files using the translations method (eg. :es => 'translations/')

In the translation file (eg. surveys/translations/

  • set the locale name with es: Spanish (where 'es' was the reference given in the survey file)

There is an example of adding a translation on this gist


bundle install
rake db:migrate
rake surveyor:build_changed_survey FILE=surveys/odc_questionnaire.UK.rb
rails s

# to include some other jurisdictions
rake surveyor:build_changed_surveys LIMIT=5

Development things

# generate a stripped back version of the default survey (GB)
# - makes page loads more bearable in development
rake surveyor:build_changed_survey FILE=surveys/development/odc_GB_stub.rb

# generate development surveys (includes GB stub)
rake surveyor:build_changed_surveys DIR=surveys/development

# run tests on file change
bundle exec guard

Environment variables

Some environment variables are required for the certificates site, these can be set in a .env file in the root of the project.

# Rackspace credentials for saving certificate dumps

# Juvia details to allow commenting

# Sending error reports to airbrake

# Disable the rails footnotes to increase performance

Admin functions

To mark a user as being an admin - the users ID should be included in the ODC_ADMIN_IDS environment variable (comma separated). The easiest way to find the ID is to look on the URL of their account page.

Admins are able to block a dataset from displaying on the public /datasets page by visiting the dataset and toggling the visibility at the top of the page.

Removed datasets are listed at /datasets/admin (only accessible by admin users).

Changing surveys

To change surveys, you'll need Saxon installed. On a Mac, this is as simple as running:

brew install saxon

You can then change the prototype/survey.xsl file and run:

saxon -s:prototype/jurisdictions/ -xsl:prototype/surveyor.xsl -o:prototype/temp/


The survey attempts to fetch answers from the documentation URL and fill them into the questionnaire. These answers are marked as autocompleted.

Some examples of URLS that can be autocompleted:

Surveyor validation

A breakdown of the validation states that exist in the survey:

  • no-response a field which has not been filled in, white
  • ok a completed field (light green)
  • error a mandatory field which hasn't been filled in, shown after trying to finish the survey (light red)
  • url-verified a URL field which has been verified (light green with message)
  • autocompleted an autocompleted field (light green with message)
  • autocompleted-changed an autocompleted, but changed field (light orange with message and explanation box)
  • autocompleted-explained an autocompleted, changed field which has an explanation (light green with message and explanation box)
  • url-warning a URL field which has failed verification (light orange with message and explanation box)
  • autocompleted-url-warning a URL field which has been autocompleted AND failed verification (light orange with message and explanation box)
  • url-explained a URL field which has failed verification but has an explanation (light green with message and explanation box)
  • metadata-missing the documentation metadata field, which has values selected incorrectly (light orange with message and explanation box)

Additional documentation

App approach document

The original prototype has been moved to /prototype.


The ODI's Open Data Certificate







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