Auto aim bot using neural network.
It uses OpenCV 3.3 dnn module + petrained MobileNetSSD caffemodel to detect entities with person form on screen and then moves the cursor over them and does click. It's a playground idea to create an auto-aim bot for games like Fornite.
- Python3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
A window will appear that's doing screengrabs, and over these screen grabs are looking for persons. While a person is found then it clicked it. You can even check it opening a photo or so with a guy into.
Note: To quit, having the bot window focused, press 'q'.
- PyCharm as IDE
- Python virtual environment to struggling with libraries per project.
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This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Aniruddh Chandratre - Works are based on his repository: