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create-release-branch #13


create-release-branch #13

name: create-release-branch
# When the workflow is executed manually, the user can select whether the branch should correspond to a major,
# minor, or patch release.
type: choice
description: what kind of release?
- major
- minor
- patch
required: true
# Cron syntax is "minute[0-59] hour[0-23] date[1-31] month[1-12] day[0-6]". '*' is 'any value,' and multiple values
# can be specified with comma-separated lists. All times are UTC.
# So this expression means "run at 12 PM UTC, every Friday".
- cron: "0 12 * * 5"
# Depending on circumstances, we may want to exit early instead of running the workflow to completion.
runs-on: macos-latest
should-run: ${{ steps.main.outputs.should_run }}
- id: main
run: |
# If the workflow was manually triggered, then it should always be allowed to run to completion.
[[ "${{ github.event_name }}" = "workflow_dispatch" ]] && echo "should_run=true" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" && exit 0
# `date -u` returns UTC datetime, and `%u` formats the output to be the day of the week, with 1 being Monday,
# 2 being Tuesday, etc.
TODAY_DOW=$(date -u +%u)
# This `date` expression returns the last Tuesday of the month, which is our Release Day. %d formats the output
# as the day of the month (1-31).
NEXT_RELEASE_DATE=$(date -u -v1d -v+1m -v-1d -v-tue +%d)
# This `date` expression returns next Tuesday, and `%d` formats the output as the day of the month (1-31).
NEXT_TUESDAY_DATE=$(date -u -v+tue +%d)
# If the workflow wasn't manually triggered, then it should only be allowed to run to completion on the Friday
# before Release Day.
[[ $TODAY_DOW != 5 || $NEXT_RELEASE_DATE != $NEXT_TUESDAY_DATE ]] && echo "should_run=false" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" || echo "should_run=true" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
runs-on: macos-latest
needs: verify-should-run
if: ${{ needs.verify-should-run.outputs.should-run == 'true' }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
contents: write
branch-name: ${{ steps.create-branch.outputs.branch_name }}
# Checkout `dev`
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: 'dev'
# We need to set up Node and install our Node dependencies.
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 'lts/*' # Always use Node LTS for building dependencies.
- run: yarn
# Increment the version as desired locally, without actually committing anything.
- name: Locally increment version
run: |
# A workflow dispatch event lets the user specify what release type they want.
if [[ "${{ github.event_name }}" = "workflow_dispatch" ]]; then
RELEASE_TYPE=${{ github.event.inputs.release-type }}
# The regularly scheduled releases are always minor.
# Increment the version as needed
npm --no-git-tag-version version $RELEASE_TYPE
# The branch protection rule for `release-x.y.z` branches prevents pushing commits directly. To work around this,
# we create an interim branch that we _can_ push commits to, and we'll do our version bookkeeping in that branch
# instead.
- id: create-interim-branch
run: |
NEW_VERSION=$(jq -r ".version" package.json)
# Create and check out the interim branch.
git checkout -b $INTERIM_BRANCH_NAME
# Immediately push the interim branch with no changes, so GraphQL can push to it later.
git push --set-upstream origin $INTERIM_BRANCH_NAME
# Update our dependencies
- run: yarn upgrade
# Use the GraphQL API to create a signed commmit with our changes.
- run: |
# GraphQL needs to know what branch to push to.
BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# GraphQL needs a message for the commit.
NEW_VERSION=$(jq -r ".version" package.json)
MESSAGE="Preparing for v$NEW_VERSION release."
# GraphQL needs the latest versions of the files we changed, as Base64 encoded strings.
NEW_PACKAGE="$(cat package.json | base64)"
NEW_YARN_LOCK="$(cat yarn.lock | base64)"
gh api graphql -F message="$MESSAGE" -F oldOid=`git rev-parse HEAD` -F branch="$BRANCH" \
-F newPackage="$NEW_PACKAGE" -F newYarnLock="$NEW_YARN_LOCK" \
-f query='
mutation ($message: String!, $oldOid: GitObjectID!, $branch: String!, $newPackage: Base64String!, $newYarnLock: Base64String!) {
createCommitOnBranch(input: {
branch: {
repositoryNameWithOwner: "forcedotcom/sfdx-code-analyzer-vscode",
branchName: $branch
message: {
headline: $message
fileChanges: {
additions: [
path: "package.json",
contents: $newPackage
}, {
path: "yarn.lock",
contents: $newYarnLock
expectedHeadOid: $oldOid
}) {
commit {
# Now that we've done our bookkeeping commits on the interim branch, use it as the base for the real release branch.
- name: Create release branch
id: create-branch
run: |
# The commit happened on the remote end, not ours, so we need to clean the directory and pull.
git checkout -- .
git pull
# Now we can create the actual release branch.
NEW_VERSION=$(jq -r ".version" package.json)
git checkout -b release-$NEW_VERSION
git push --set-upstream origin release-$NEW_VERSION
# Now that we're done with the interim branch, delete it.
git push -d origin ${NEW_VERSION}-interim
# Output the release branch name so we can use it in later jobs.
echo "branch_name=release-$NEW_VERSION" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# Build the scanner tarball so it can be installed locally when we run tests.
name: 'Build scanner tarball'
needs: verify-should-run
uses: ./.github/workflows/build-scanner-tarball.yml
# Note: Using `dev` here is technically incorrect. For full completeness's sake, we should probably be
# using the branch corresponding to the upcoming scanner release. However, identifying that branch is
# non-trivial, and there are unlikely to be major differences between the two that appear in the few days
# between creating the branch and releasing it, so it _should_ be fine.
target-branch: 'dev'
# Run all the various tests against the newly created branch.
name: 'Run unit tests'
needs: [build-scanner-tarball, create-release-branch]
uses: ./.github/workflows/run-tests.yml
# We want to validate the extension against whatever version of the scanner we *plan* to publish,
# not what's *already* published.
use-scanner-tarball: true
target-branch: ${{ needs.create-release-branch.outputs.branch-name }}