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Foodkit API docs

Get started

  1. Install npm dependencies npm install
  2. Edit your documentation file under ./src folder
  3. Validate your changes with swagger-cli (see below)
  4. Watch HTML version live with redoc-cli (see below)
  5. Commit your changes to the repo


./node_modules/.bin/redoc-cli serve -w src/...yourfile.yaml


To be sure that the produced specification is valid, you can quickly run this command:

./node_modules/.bin/swagger-cli validate src/...yourfile.yaml

Merge multiple specs int oa single file

You can work on different files and then prepare a single distributable spec which combines other specs.

Sample of the template:

openapi: 3.0.2
  title: Admin API
  version: 0.0.1
    name: Dmitry Lezhnev
    url: /
    email: [email protected]
  # Use this file to set a list of files to merge in
  - $ref: "./loyalty/vip.yaml"
  - $ref: "./brands/alerts.yaml"
      type: http
      scheme: bearer
      bearerFormat: string

Now to resolve dependencies and prepare a single file, use:

scripts/run.php merge template.yaml merged.yaml

After that you can create a distributable HTML file by reusing a template src/template.html:

  • cp ./output.merged.yaml ./public - copy merged file to a public folder
  • cp ./src/template.html ./public/index.html - copy a template to the same folder
  • sed -i '' -e 's/%%PAGE_TITLE%%/TITLE/g' index.html - replace the page title in the copied template to TITLE
  • sed -i '' -e 's/%%OPENAPI_SPEC_JSON%%/merged.yaml/g' index.html - set the link to openapi spec to a new merged file merged.yaml

That's it. Now you can allow public access to the index.html file.