A functional programming library for JavaScript inspired by Clojure, Haskell, SML and Forth.
Add the following to your 'package.json' file in the "dependencies"
"lemonad": "0.7.4"
[ '$',
'typed' ]
- Clojure and ClojureScript
- Inheritance Patterns in JavaScript by Michael Bolin
- Underscore.js
- Functional JavaScript by Oliver Steele
- Functional JavaScript (the book)
- The rest of the things
- Promises/A-compatible functions (http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A)
- Moar monadology
- Logic vars?
- Unification?
- Other things that I can't think of right now
- Generators / iterators?
- Futures?
- Laziness?
- Badass memoize
- Some data generators?
- merges
- walking
- rel alg
for objects- make sure that anything that works for array also works for
- Make sure I say, sequence on input and array on output
- yggdrasil
- undermine
- reb
- cljs
- tables
- bach.js
- datalog
- poems
- shape decls
- cheatsheet
- site
This software is provided as-is under the MIT license.