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Neovim plugin providing a highly configurable colorcolumn.


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A Neovim plugin to (hopefully) satisfy all your colorcolumn needs.

c-full-to-end lua-file-full
py-to-end-win git-mixed-set

✨ Features

  • ⚙️ Highly configurable Colorcolumn
    • 🎯 Show focused colorcolumn at desired position(s)
    • ➡️ Highlight excess characters
    • 🧰 Specify working scope
    • 🌈 Define your own color values
    • 😐 Enable always-on, when you want boring functionality
    • ⚡ Use a callback for dynamic settings
    • ...and all of that configurable per filetype
  • 💾 Start enabled, disabled, or remember state from last time
  • 🔌 Toggle On/Off the entire plugin
  • ⏰️ Refresh colorcolumn when you move, lazily or on timed intervals.
  • 🎈 Exclude floating windows - no more manually excluding lazy, mason, etc.
  • 📄 Exclude specific filetypes

📦 Installation

For the "I know what I'm doing" users:

  • fmbarina/multicolumn.nvim
  • require('multicolumn').setup(opts) if you need.
For lazy.nvim users

Add the following to your plugin list, your settings go in opts.

    event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' },
    opts = {},
For packer.nvim users





Your settings can be passed through the setup function.

🔧 Configuration

The settings table (opts) may define the following fields.

Setting Type Description
start string: enabled, disabled or remember Plugin start behavior opening neovim. When remember, the plugin will persist state through neovim sessions.
update string (on_move or lazy_hold) or int Defines when the colorcolumn is updated, defaults to on_move. See explanation for options below.
command string multiple, single or none Controls how many commands are created for the plugin.
max_lines int Maximum lines allowed for file scope line scanning. When 0, there is no limit.
max_size int Maximum file size (in bytes) allowed for any scope. When 0, there is no limit.
use_default_set bool Whether to use the default set when no filetype set is found, defaults to true.
exclude_floating bool Whether the plugin should be disabled in floating windows, such as mason.nvim and lazy.nvim.
exclude_ft string[] List of filetypes (strings) the plugin should be disabled under.
base_set table: set, see below Base set all other sets inherit from when options are missing.
sets table[]: set list, see below Defines plugin behavior for each defined filetype set. Accepts a default set for fallback behavior.

You can choose when to update the colorcolumn with the value of the update setting:

  • on_move: update colorcolumn everytime the cursor moves or window scrolls.
  • lazy_hold: update colorcolumn when you stop moving for a while. Slower feedback, lighter performance impact.
  • If the value is an int, update colorcolumn in timed intervals spaced by this value in miliseconds.


A set defines a set of options governing colorcolumn behavior i.e. it's a table that tells multicolumn.nvim which features to use and how.

  • When editing a file, multicolumn.nvim looks for a set with the same name as the filetype of the file.
  • If a filetype set isn't found, it uses the default set (that's the actual name) defined in sets
  • If a set is missing an option, it's inherited from the base_set (including the default set)
  • Also, a set may be a function(buf, win) -> set, so you can hook into neovim to build dynamic sets.

These are the options that multicolumn.nvim looks for in a set:

Option Type Description
scope string: file, window or line Scope that the plugin will scan and generate colorcolumns for
rulers int[] List of integers defining the colorcolumn numbers. Remember: if the max line length is 80, use 81
to_line_end bool Whether to highlight characters exceeding the colorcolumn to the end of the line
full_column bool Whether to draw a full colorcolumn (window ceiling to bottom) when the column number is hit
always_on bool Whether to always draw the full colorcolumns. When true, implies full_column is true as well
bg_color string: hex code (e.g. "#c92aaf") Background highlight color of the colorcolumn as a hex code
fg_color string: hex code (e.g. "#c92aaf") Foreground highlight color of the colorcolumn as a hex code

Note that some options are related and may override your configuration, but this should only happen in ways you'd expect (and hopefully want):

  • always_onfull_column (because you can't have an always on focused column)
  • scope is file, but full_column not true → scope is reduced to window (saving some cpu cycles)

Default settings

multicolumn.nvim comes with the following defaults:

start = 'enabled', -- enabled, disabled, remember
update = 'on_move', -- on_move, lazy_hold, int
command = 'multiple', -- multiple, single, none
max_lines = 6000, -- 0 (disabled) OR int
max_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024, -- 0 (disabled) OR int
use_default_set = true,
exclude_floating = true,
exclude_ft = { 'markdown', 'help', 'netrw' },
base_set = {
  scope = 'window', -- file, window, line
  rulers = {}, -- { int, int, ... }
  to_line_end = false,
  full_column = false,
  always_on = false,
  bg_color = nil,
  fg_color = nil,
sets = {
  default = {
    rulers = { 81 },

Banner settings

Click me to see the settings used in the image(s) at the top of the README
sets = {
    lua = {
        scope = 'file',
        rulers = { 81 },
        full_column = true,
    python = {
        scope = 'window',
        rulers = { 80 },
        to_line_end = true,
        bg_color = '#f08800',
        fg_color = '#17172e',
    c = {
        scope = 'window',
        rulers = { 81 },
        to_line_end = true,
        always_on = true,
    NeogitCommitMessage = function(buf, win)
        local T = function(c, x, y) if c then return x else return y end
        return {
            scope = T(vim.fn.line('.', win) == 1, 'line', 'window'),
            rulers = { T(vim.fn.line('.', win) == 1, 51, 73) },
            to_line_end = true,
            bg_color = '#691b1b',
            fg_color = '#ffd8ad',

🙇 Acknowledgements

This plugin draws great inpiration from NeoColumn.nvim and smartcolumn.nvim. They were used as references and even some terms were borrowed from them, but more than that, they were what pushed me to create this plugin. Multicolumn wouldn't exist without them, so, thank you!