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This repository implements reliability groups with dark standby FLSs to minimize the duration of time a point remains dark.


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Standby Flying Light Specks

This repository contains software that models deployment and failure handling of FLSs using standbys.

Authors: Hamed Alimohammadzadeh([email protected]), Shuqin Zhu ([email protected]), and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh ([email protected])


  • Five techniques to eliminate dark standby FLSs from obstructing the user field of view: Transpose, Dissolve, and Suspend (3 variants).
  • A configurable distributed emulator to quantify the Quality of Illumination (QoI) as a function of time for a point cloud. Each FLS is modeled as a process. Both illuminating and standby FLSs may fail either mid-flight to their destination or once at their destination. Consequently FLSs communicate with each other to compensate for the failed FLSs. With large point cloudes (FLSs), the simulator scales horizontally to run across multiple servers.
  • Detection of obstructing dark standby FLSs.
  • An FLS velocity model consisting of adjustable acceleration, deceleration, and speed parameters.
  • Two FLS failure models: RandTTL using a uniform distribution and BetaTTL using a skewed distribution.
  • Fix-sized reliability groups consisting of G illuminating FLSs and 1 standby FLSs.
  • Computation of metrics including Mean Time to Illuminate a Dark (MTID) point after an illuminating FLS fails.
  • Visualization of results.


  • In general, a reliability group may consist of C standby FLSs. The current implmentation supports C=1 only.
  • We consider the field of view of only one user.


git clone

Set up

Follow either of the following subsections to set up the environment and install the dependencies.

Set up using Venv

This software was implemented and tested using Python 3.9.0.

We recommend using PyCharm, enabling the software to run across mutliple operating systems, e.g., Windows, MacOS, etc.

Use the bash to create and activate a virtual environment or alternatively follow these steps to set it up manually. First create a virtual environment using venv. You can use any name instead of env.

cd StandbyFLSs python3.9 -m venv env

Then, activate the virtual environment.

source env/bin/activate

On windows use the following instead:

env/Scripts/activate.bat //In CMD env/Scripts/Activate.ps1 //In Powershel

You can deactivate the virtual environment by running deactivate in the terminal.

Set up without venv

Run bash to install dependencies without creating a virtual environment.

If anything went wrong with the bash command, make sure you have installed python3 and pip3 then run pip3 install -r requirements.txt in the root directory of the project. If you are using IDE like PyCharm, you can download all the requirements with it. We recommend the use of PyCharm for running this software on a single laptop or server for evaluation purposes. By installing and using PyCharm, the single server version of software will execute on a wide range of operating systems ranging from macOS to Windows.

Analytical Models

This repository contains several analytical models to model and evaluate different techniques for detecting and concealing dark standby FLSs.

Velocity Model

The movement of FLSs are calculated using the velocity model. We suppose all FLSs have the same maximum speed, maximum acceleration and deceleration. FLS will start from a speed of 0, and will always accelerate to a max speed if it can. When an FLS is approaching its destination, it will decelerate with max deceleration and come to a halt at its destination. The velocity model can be found in ./ An FLS's moving time and MTID (Mean time to illuminate a dark point due to FLS failure) is calculated using this model.

Once a reliability group is constructed, there will be a group centroid for standby FLS. The average distance from a group centroid to a group member is calculated using the average value of distances of all points to their group centroid. The Average MTID reported were calculated using the average value of the time for a standby FLS/newly deployed FLS to recover a failed illuminating FLS. Each of these time is the time traveled for an FLS to arrive at the illuminating point.

Term Definition
Shape Shape that is comparing with.
Method Group formation techniques used.
Group Size The targeting group size.
Avg Pairwise Distance Average distance between points in a group.
Avg Centroid Distance Average distance from points in each group to their corresponding group centroid.
Min GroupSize Minimum group size among all group formed. The final group size may be different from the targeting group size.
Median GroupSize Median group size among all group formed.
Max GroupSize Maximum group size among all group formed.
Avg MTTR Average value of time need to repair a failed illuminating FLS with its assigned standby FLS (waiting at the group centroid).
Min MTTR Minimum value of time need to repair a failed illuminating FLS with its assigned standby FLS (waiting at the group centroid).
Median MTTR Median value of time need to repair a failed illuminating FLS with its assigned standby FLS (waiting at the group centroid).
Max MTTR Maximum value of time need to repair a failed illuminating FLS with its assigned standby FLS (waiting at the group centroid).
Min MTID The time for the group that has the minimum average value for its member points to get recover by it standby FLS.
Median MTID The time for the group that has the median average value for its member points to get recover by it standby FLS.
Max MTID The time for the group that has the maximum average value for its member points to get recover by it standby FLS.
Avg Dist To Centroid Average distance from each point to its group centroid.
Min Dist To Centroid Minimum distance from each point to its group centroid.
Median Dist To Centroid Median distance from each point to its group centroid.
Max Dist To Centroid Maximum distance from each point to its group centroid.


The program ./utils/ implements analytical models to compute the MTID for a collection of 3D point clouds (shapes) with different reliability groups.
The reliability groups may be computed using an algorithms such as k-Means or CANF.
More formally, ./utils/ assumes:

  • A text file that describes the 3D coordinates of a point cloud. We provide several point clouds in ./assets/pointcloud: dragon.txt, hat.txt, and skateboard.txt. The variable shapes defines the point clouds that the program iterates.
  • A .xlsx file that describes a reliability group computed for a shape using a grouping algorithm with a pre-specified group size. The name of a file is [shape]_[grouping algorithm]_[group size].xlsx. shape is from the previous bullet, a user specified identifier for a grouping algorithm, e.g., K for k-Means, a value for group size, e.g., 3. In ./assets/pointcloud, we provide files for the alternative shapes of the previous bullet, K-Means and CANF, and group sizes of {3, 5, 10, 20}. These files were computed separately and placed in the ./assets/pointcloud for use by ./utils/ They ensure MTID is independent of an algorithm that computes a reliability group, enabling its application to all possible grouping algorithms. (Group Centroids, where standby FLSs should be positioned, are calculated using the reliability groups from this file)

The output of executing ./utils/ includes:

  • ./assets/mtid_report.csv contains the minimum, median, and maximum MTID. It also computes other essential stats such as the minimum, median, and maximum distance of a standby at the center of a group to each group member. This information is reported for each shape, grouping algorithm, and group size. This is a row of ./assets/mtid_report.csv file.
  • ./assets/figures contains a listing of figures for the different shapes, grouping algorithms, and group sizes. These figures show MTID, a histogram of group sizes constructed by a grouping algorithm, among others.

Obstructing FLS Detection

Standby FLSs remain dark while waiting to recover failed FLSs. Thus, it may block some other illuminating FLSs and diminish the user's immersive experience. The program ./utils/ implements analytical models to detect obstructing standby FLSs. It has two variants:

  • One assumes the user is looking at the shape from six views: [front, back, top, bottom, left, right]. To use this variant run ./utils/ --six-view.
  • The other assumes the user is walking around the shape on a circle while looking at the shape. To use this variant run ./utils/ without arguments.

./utils/ assumes:

  • A text file that describes the 3D coordinates of a point cloud. We provide several point clouds in ./assets/pointcloud: dragon.txt, hat.txt, and skateboard.txt. The variable shapes defines the point clouds that the program iterates.
  • A .xlsx file that describes a reliability group computed for a shape using a grouping algorithm with a pre-specified group size. The name of a file is [shape]_[grouping algorithm]_[group size].xlsx. shape is from the previous bullet, a user specified identifier for a grouping algorithm, e.g., K for k-Means, a value for group size, e.g., 3.
    In ./assets/pointcloud, we provide files for the alternative shapes of the previous bullet, K-Means and CANF, and group sizes of {3, 5, 10, 20}. (Same as the description in Section MTID. Group Centroids, where standby FLSs should be positioned, are calculated using the reliability groups from this file)
  • Specified Illumination Cell to Display Cell Ratio, Q. This defined the size of an illumination Cell.

The output of executing ./utils/ includes:

  • ./assets/Obstructing/Q[value of Q]/G[Group Size]/ contain lists of text files, that recorded coordinates all standby FLSs, coordinates of obstructing standby FLSs, coordinates of illuminating FLSs blocked by them, coordinates of standby FLSs that are visible to human eyes, and coordinates of illuminating FLSs that are visible to human eyes. These files are already generated and available in assests/obstructing/Q* directories.
  • ./assets/Obstructing/Q[value of Q]/report_Q[value of Q]_G[Group Size]_[shape].csv contain numbers of visible illuminating FLSs, numbers of obstructing FLSs, Min/Avg/Max Time checked for an available (not overlapping with any other FLSs) location for standby FLSs. This information is reported for each shape, group size, Q and view or angle depending on the variant (include six views, [front, back, top, bottom, left, right] or a tuple indicating granularity and step number). This is a row of the report file.

Dissolve, Suspend and Transpose

Obstructing FLSs needs to be hidden from user's Field of View (FoV). We have proposed five techniques: dissolve, suspend (3 variants), and transpose. ./utils/ includes the implementation of techniques presented in Section 6.

Dissolve will permanently dissolve reliability groups that have standby FLSs obstructing user's FoV. dissolve function implements Algorithm 3.

Suspend will temporarily dissolve reliability groups that have standby FLSs obstructing user's FoV, and these groups will be restored once their standby FLSs are no longer in user's FOV. One variant of suspend requires the obstructing standby FLS to move back to the hangar when its reliability group is suspended. suspend function implements this variant (Algorithm 4). Another variant of suspend moves obstructing FLSs into illumination cells of the closest illuminating FLS. This option is only available when the Illumination Cell to Display Cell Ratio (Q) is no smaller than 3. It is implemented in suspend_hide function. One other variant moves the obstructing FLS into the illumination cell of the obstructed FLS. suspend_hide_obstructed implements this variant.

Transpose moves obstructing FLSs back along the user's eye gaze, and make it replace blocked illuminating FLSs; while illuminating FLSs move back short distances and become new standby FLSs that hide behind. (As described in previous section.)

To compair these techniques run ./utils/ Plots showing those results will be generated in corresponding directories in assets/obstructing. This program relies on precomputed obstruction masks which are already in the assets/obstructing/Q* directories. Run ./utils/ to regenerate these files if needed.

Reproduction of results

  • Figures 17 and 18: python utils/ outputs the graphs in assets directory.
  • Figures 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24: python utils/ outputs the following graphs:
    • Figure 19: (a) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dissolve_percentage.png (b) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_suspend_percentage.png
    • Figure 20: (a) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_dissolve.png (b) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend.png
    • Figure 21: (a) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_dissolve.png (b) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_suspend.png (c) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_restore_suspend.png
    • Figure 22: (a) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_Q3_GR10_MTID_CMP.png (b) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_Q5_GR10_MTID_CMP.png (c) assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_Q10_GR10_MTID_CMP.png
    • Figure 23:
      • (a): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_transpose assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_transpose assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_transpose
      • (b): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_dissolve assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_dissolve assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_dissolve
      • (c): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend
      • (d): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend_hide_obstructed assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend_hide_obstructed assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_MTID_percentage_suspend_hide_obstructed
    • Figure 24:
      • (a): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_transpose assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_transpose assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_transpose
      • (b): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_dissolve assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_dissolve assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_dissolve
      • (c): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend
      • (d): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend_hide assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend_hide assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend_hide
      • (e): assets/obstructing/dragon/dragon_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend_hide_obstructed assets/obstructing/hat/hat_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend_hide_obstructed assets/obstructing/skateboard/skateboard_K3_GR10_dist_traveled_combined_suspend_hide_obstructed


This software includes a scalable emulator of FLSs described in Appendix A. It emulates operation of multiple FLSs to illuminate a 3d point cloud by running parallel processes.
It consists three types of processes, Orchestrator, Secondary, and FLS processes. Orchestrator and Secondary processes are artifacts that facilitate running a large number of FLS processes across different servers of a datacenter. FLS processes implements functionalities and characteristics of an FLS such as flying, communicating, and failing. Point clouds with small number of points can be run locally on a single machine while with larger number of points multiple machines with multiple cores are required.

Run Local

The variables specified in control settings. Once these are adjusted (see below), run:


After the notification "INFO - Waiting for secondary nodes to connect" shows, run:


Need to notice that the result output path is also an adjustable configuration.

Set Up and Run on Cloud Lab

First, set up a cluster of servers. Creat a cloudlab profile using the file, then start your own experiments with any chosen type of nodes. Ideally, the total number of cores of the servers should equal or be greater than the number of points in the point cloud (number of FLSs). Otherwise, the lack of cores may cause incorrect results. Normally, when the accessible resource is limited, one core for 2 to 4 points will also work.

After setting up cloudlab, modify the following files based on comment:

  • gen_conf_cluster: Identify the path where the lies
  • set the number of nodes
  • Set broadcast address and port

Change the configuration for experiments in, this will be the base script to generate configure for each experiment. Once it's settle, checkout the number of total configurations, and change the number in the For Loop to the total configuration sets - 1. The system will traverse all these configuration sets.

Finally, modify the script following the comment just like previous files. Then run the script to clone the project and setup on cloudlab (See section above).

Run bash to set up the project.

After all above are done, run bash on the primary node (node with index 0). Use tail -f my.log to trace output in the root directory.

To stop the running process, run the sudo pkill python3 command in, then run on the primary node.

Experiment Report

The final report will be generated in a folder named with the experiment configuration, under the result path directory. A report will include 3 data sheets:

  • Metrics
  • Config
  • Dispatcher

The Metric sheet includes all the reporting information, detailed description shown blown:

Term Definition
QoI before Reset Percentage of illuminating FLSs defined as the number of illuminating FLSs divided by the total number of required FLSs (points in a point cloud). Measured once all initial FLSs have been dispatched.
QoI after Reset Same as above, but measured at the end of the experiment
Dispatched Before Reset Number of FLSs dispatched before all initial illuminating and initial standby FLSs were dispatched
Dispatched After Reset Number of FLSs dispatched after all initial illuminating and initial standby FLSs were dispatched
Failure Before Reset Number of failed FLSs before all initial illuminating and initial standby FLSs were dispatched
Failure After Reset Number of failed FLSs after all initial illuminating and initial standby FLSs were dispatched
Mid-Flight Number of mid-flight FLSs at the end of the experiment
Illuminating Number of illuminating FLSs at the end of the experiment
Stationary Standby Number of stationary FLSs at the end of the experiment
Avg Travel Time Depends on the speed model, average time to travel the distance
Min Travel Time Depends on the speed model, min time to travel the distance
Max Travel Time Depends on the speed model, max time to travel the distance
Median Travel Time Depends on the speed model, median time to travel the distance
Avg Dist Traveled Average distance traveled by the dispatched FLSs
Min Dist Traveled Minimum distance traveled by the dispatched FLSs
Max Dist Traveled Maximum distance traveled by the dispatched FLSs
Median Dist Traveled Median distance traveled by the dispatched FLSs
Avg MTTR Average mean time to repair an FLS
Min MTTR Minimum mean time to repair an FLS
Max MTTR Maximum mean time to repair an FLS
Median MTTR Median mean time to repair an FLS
Deploy Rate before reset The rate at which a dispatcher deploys FLSs when initiating an illumination
Deploy rate After Reset The rate at which a dispatcher deploys FLSs after all FLSs to illuminate a shape have been deployed
Number of Groups Number of reliability groups
Min_dist_arrived_illuminate Minimum distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed after arrival (distance from dispatcher to illuminating point)
Max_dist_arrived_illuminate Maximum distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed after arrival (distance from dispatcher to illuminating point)
Avg_dist_arrived_illuminate Average distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed after arrival (distance from dispatcher to illuminating point)
Median_dist_arrived_illuminate Median distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed after arrival (distance from dispatcher to illuminating point)
Min_dist_failed_midflight_illuminate Minimum distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed before arrival (distance from dispatcher to failure point)
Max_dist_failed_midflight_illuminate Maximum distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed before arrival (distance from dispatcher to failure point)
Avg_dist_failed_midflight_illuminate Average distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed before arrival (distance from dispatcher to failure point)
Median_dist_failed_midflight_illuminate Median distance traveled by illuminating FLSs that failed before arrival (distance from dispatcher to failure point)
Min_dist_stationary_standby_recover_illuminate Minimum distance traveled by a stationary standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Max_dist_stationary_standby_recover_illuminate Maximum distance traveled by a stationary standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Avg_dist_stationary_standby_recover_illuminate Average distance traveled by a stationary standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Median_dist_stationary_standby_recover_illuminate Median distance traveled by a stationary standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Min_dist_midflight_standby_recover_illuminate Minimum distance traveled by a mid-flight standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Max_dist_midflight_standby_recover_illuminate Maximum distance traveled by a mid-flight standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Avg_dist_midflight_standby_recover_illuminate Average distance traveled by a mid-flight standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Median_dist_midflight_standby_recover_illuminate Median distance traveled by a mid-flight standby to successfully recover a failed illuminating FLS
Min_dist_standby_hub_to_centroid Min distance traveled by a standby from dispatcher to its group centroid everytime it successfully complete its trip
Max_dist_standby_hub_to_centroid Maximum distance traveled by a standby from dispatcher to its assigned coordinate everytime it successfully complete its trip
Avg_dist_standby_hub_to_centroid Avg distance traveled by a standby from dispatcher to its assigned coordinate everytime it successfully complete its trip
Median_dist_standby_hub_to_centroid Median distance traveled by a standby from dispatcher to its assigned coordinate everytime it successfully complete its trip
Min_dist_standby_hub_to_fail_before_centroid Min Distance traveled by a standby FLS that never arrived at its group centroid
Max_dist_standby_hub_to_fail_before_centroid Max Distance traveled by a standby FLS that never arrived at its group centroid
Avg_dist_standby_hub_to_fail_before_centroid Avg Distance traveled by a standby FLS that never arrived at its group centroid
Median_dist_standby_hub_to_fail_before_centroid Median Distance traveled by a standby FLS that never arrived at its group centroid
Min_dist_standby_centroid_to_fail_before_recovered Min distance traveled by a standby stationary FLS that moves from its group centroid to recover a failed illuminating FLS and never arrives at its destination because it fails
Max_dist_standby_centroid_to_fail_before_recovered Max distance traveled by a standby stationary FLS that moves from its group centroid to recover a failed illuminating FLS and never arrives at its destination because it fails
Avg_dist_standby_centroid_to_fail_before_recovered Avg distance traveled by a standby stationary FLS that moves from its group centroid to recover a failed illuminating FLS and never arrives at its destination because it fails
Median_dist_standby_centroid_to_fail_before_recovered Median distance traveled by a standby stationary FLS that moves from its group centroid to recover a failed illuminating FLS and never arrives at its destination because it fails
Ill_Recovered_By_HUB Number of failed illuminating FLSs recovered by the Hub dispatching FLSs (the new FLS arrives at the group centroid)
Ill_Recovered_By_Standby Number of failed illuminating FLSs recovered using a standby FLS (the new FLS arrives at the group centroid)
Stdby_Recovered_By_Hub Number of failed standby FLSs recovered by the Hub (the new FLS arrives at the group centroid)
Num_FLSs_Queued Number of queued FLSs at the end of the experiment
Failed Illuminating FLS Number of Failed Illuminating FLS
Failed Standby FLS Number of Failed Standby FLS After Reset
Hub_Deployed_FLS Failures that have been handled by the hub After Reset
Hub_Deployed_FLS_To_Illuminate Number of failed illuminating FLS that have been handled by the hub
Hub_Deployed_FLS_For_Standby Number of Failed standby FLS that have been handled by the hub

The Dispatcher sheet includes all information gathered by the primary node. In a Dronevision/FLS Display context, this should be the information from the orchestrator.

Term Definition
dispatcher_coord Array of coordinates of each dispatcher
num_dispatched Number of FLSs that has been deployed by every dispatcher
avg_delay Array of Average delay for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched
min_delay Array of Min delay for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched
max_delay Array of Max delay for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched
delay_info Lists of delayed time for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched
min_delay Overall Min delay for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched
max_delay Overall max delay for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched
avg_delay Overall average delay for FLSs dispatched by each dispatcher After initial FLSs dispatched


Hamed Alimohammadzadeh, Shuqin Zhu, Jiadong Bai, and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh. 2024. Reliability Groups with Standby Flying Light Specks. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–11.

author = {Alimohammadzadeh, Hamed and Zhu, Shuqin and Bai, Jiadong and Ghandeharizadeh, Shahram},
title = {Reliability Groups with Standby Flying Light Specks},
year = {2024},
isbn = {9798400704123},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3625468.3647606},
abstract = {A Flying Light Speck, FLS, is a miniature sized drone configured with light sources to illuminate different colors and textures. A swarm of FLSs illuminates complex 3D multimedia shapes in a fixed volume, a 3D display. An FLS is a mechanical device. Its failure is the norm rather than an exception, causing a point of an illumination to go dark. In this paper, we use reliability groups with dark standby FLSs to minimize the duration of time a point remains dark. This study makes two novel contributions. First, it compares a centralized and a decentralized algorithm to form groups, demonstrating the superiority of the centralized technique. Second, it detects when the dark standby FLSs may obstruct the user's field of view and relocates them with minimal impact on their provided benefit.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference},
pages = {1–11},
numpages = {11},
location = {Bari, Italy},
series = {MMSys '24}


This research is supported in part by NSF grants IIS-2232382. We gratefully acknowledge CloudBank and CloudLab for the use of their resources.


This repository implements reliability groups with dark standby FLSs to minimize the duration of time a point remains dark.








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