clasp command Line Tool docker image (google app script client)
clasp is an open-source tool, separate from the Google Apps Script platform, that lets you develop and manage Apps Script projects from your terminal rather than the Online Google Apps Script editor.
For you first login (no credential stored yet in a local .clasprc.json), you must do the login procedure. Do not forget that the file must exist on your host to can be mounted in the docker container.
$ touch ~/.clasprc.json
$ docker run -it --rm -v ~/.clasprc.json:/root/.clasprc.json fletort/clasp login --no-localhost
The we will need to copy/paste the link on your browzer that copy/paster back the given code.
You credentials should now be stored on your local host file .clasprc.json.
You can run the Docker image from a directory dedicated to your Google Apps Script project:
$ docker run -it --rm --name my-app-script -v "$PWD":/work/app -v ~/.clasprc.json:/root/.clasprc.json fletort/clasp help
Then you can put any of the clasp operation instead of the help operation on the upper example (for example list to list all the project).
If you prefer Docker Compose (to not put all mouting staf in each request), the following docker-compose.yml file will be needed in your project directory:
version: "2"
image: "fletort/clasp"
- ($PWD):/work/app
- ~/.clasprc.json:/root/.clasprc.json
You can then run using Docker Compose:
$ docker-compose --rm run clasp help
At least you can also make a "shortcust" (shell script) to make the first method (docker way) easily. The following script (that can be put in a directory presents in your PATH, as /usr/local/bin) will do the job:
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/work/app -v ~/.clasprc.json:/root/.clasprc.json fletort/clasp $@
With a such script named clasp, we have only to do as the official version:
$ clasp help