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Releases: flawiddsouza/Restfox


30 Jun 11:30
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What's New

  • Request Panel > Address Bar > auto complete when typing an env var (#165, #171)
  • electron: http2 request support


  • Response Panel > Timeline tab doesn't render properly when using env var (#162)
  • electron: incorrect request time taken reported on subsequent requests when compared to chromium fetch and other http clients


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0


27 May 09:40
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What's New

  • Request Panel & Response Panel tabs will now retain their selected tab, for each open request tab - before this change, if you switched the request panel tab for one request tab, it would also switch the request panel tab for other open request tabs as well - same for response panel
  • Response Panel > remember & restore scroll position when switching tabs


  • Dracula theme > improve contrast + visibility of selections and matches in code mirror editor
  • Dracula theme > improve contrast + visibility of null values in code mirror editor
  • Socket Panel > Socket.IO > query string is not appended to connection url when path is present
  • Socket Panel > Socket.IO > improved disconnection handling - before, when a connection would forcibly disconnect, no disconnection message was logged in the ui and the disconnect button would not change to connect until a ui refresh was triggered, like by clicking the clear messages button
  • Socket Panel > Socket.IO > "Disconnected from" message shows raw url instead of the env substituted one
  • this.$refs.scrollableArea.removeEventListener undefined (#161)


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0


17 May 10:02
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  • Response Panel > html preview > set white as default background color, so that we don't get black text on black background in darker themes + no padding around iframe, so it takes full height and full width of the response panel
  • Query params sync > migrateOldData function messing up correct query params (fixes #156)
  • Keeping Request Panel's query tab open and creating a new request creates an uncaught error and breaks the application
  • If you keep response panel tab as request and send a request that will error out and the request will get stuck in the loading state and cannot be cancelled
  • Response Panel > Timeline viewer displays wrong info (#157) by @kobenguyent


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0


16 May 15:17
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What's New


  • Remove content-type header when body is switched to no body (#134) by @kobenguyent
  • Import Modal > input type file button is unstyled and doesn't match the theme
  • Sidebar > Collection Item > Right Click > Properties > done button is unstyled and doesn't match the theme
  • Request Panel > Extracting Path params from url > don't treat mac addresses in url as path parameters (fixes #154)
  • A more contrasty patch method color for light theme

New Contributors


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.14.1...v0.15.0


06 May 10:16
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  • Request Panel > url, path param syncing > ":port_number" should not be treated as a path param


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.14.1


04 May 14:40
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What's New

  • add a bit of border-radius for all select elements + increase height of the environment selector in nav bar, so the user has more clickable area + increase padding of full width inputs & select elements
  • Settings > Change widths from 3 rows into 1 row with 3 columns, so that they take up less space
  • Sidebar > Sidebar Item > Show full name of the item in a tooltip when hovering mouse over it, as the only other way the user can see a really long collection item name is by right clicking and opening properties - as we don't wrap really long names - they just get cut off in the ui beyond the width of the sidebar (similar to vscode)
  • Request Panel > sync path params from url to Query tab (completes #50 and #129)
  • Request Panel > Query > URL Preview (completes #50)


  • SocketPanel > IO v3 & v4 > received message is shown as [Object object]
  • Sidebar > Collapse All > Can't collapse newly created folders that haven't been collapsed at least once as collapsed property won't be present
  • Settings > Reset Width also resets all settings
  • Folder properties > auth + headers > env var does not become green / resolve if it's in folder environment
  • Sidebar > drag moving a collection item of type request and socket from one folder to another does not reload displayed env vars in the inputs, as per the folder's environment - so the highlight color remains red, even if env var is available after the move into a folder


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0


29 Apr 17:32
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  • Dark mode > modal > link color is low contrast and incorrect
  • Plugin > fetchSync should respect "Disable SSL Verification" setting (fixes #127)
  • Request Panel > Body > GraphQL editors broken (fixes #128)


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0


26 Apr 22:31
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  • shell.openExternal fails to open external browser for external links on some systems but the open module is able to, so we'll be switching to that
  • Request Panel > Script > multiple plugins get created if you type the code really quickly for the first time - addPlugin can get called more than once causing all kinds of problems - this creates stray scripts that get executed on every request run but can never be deleted as they are not visible in the ui
  • Request Panel > Script > skipScriptUpdate was being set to true but not set to false until 2nd update, so script doesn't get saved + we also add keys to the code mirror editors, so they don't share instances with other tabs (fixes #124)
  • Tab name doesn't update after updating name in properties dialog (fixes #125)


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


22 Apr 12:02
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What's New

  • Electron: Allow native wayland options to support HiDPI screens that are using fractional scaling (snap builds) (#116)
  • CodeMirror 6 components > show selection highlighting when ctrl+d is used to select the next match for the selected text
  • Plugin > adds atob
  • Plugin > changes quickjs from sync to asyncify build for improved async support
  • Plugin > adds helper methods for base64 & arraybuffer
  • Plugin > ability to import esm module using urls
  • Plugin > adds fetchSync to make http requests from a plugin
  • Adds a references button that shows all the docs related to Plugins in a context menu for easy access, at the top right of Request Panel > Script & Plugin Edit Modal
  • Plugin editors > adds auto completion for rf.arraybuffer.*, rf.base64.*, fetchSync & readFile (if desktop)


  • Alert confirm prompt dialog > long unbroken text causes overflow
  • DNS resolution fails for localhost domains ending with .test
  • Plugin > now query params can be pushed to and set, as raised in issue #110
  • CodeMirrorEditor > basic language autocompletion was not working

New Contributors


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.11.0


08 Apr 06:33
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  • vite build changed the string process.env to {} breaking .env support for file workspace


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1