A transport over AppFabric Service Bus in Azure. Currently capable of pub-sub and sending to endpoints.
https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/how-to-guides/service-bus-topics/#what-is. It's free the first three months.
using (ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
// use the bus here...
or alternatively:
using (ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
sbc.ReceiveFromComponents("owner", "bjOAWQJalkmd9LKas0lsdklkdw4mAHwKZUJ1jKwTLdc=",
"myNamespace", "my-application");
// use the bus here...
GetEndpoint(...).Send<T>(this ..., T msg)
. [Done]- Sub-Pub over message types [Done]
- Binding to specific topic on publish of message if subscriber exists in bus. [Done]
- Purging of queues by deleting them and re-creating them. [Done]
- Smooth asynchronous transient fault handling [Done] (AsyncRetry.fs)
- Maximum performance. A middle ground of low latency (50 ms) and high throughput (batching, concurrent receives). [Done]
- Polymorphic Publish-Subscribe [Ongoing]
In order to compile the tests, you have to have a class called AccountDetails
similar to this:
using System;
using MassTransit.Transports.AzureServiceBus.Configuration;
namespace MassTransit.Transports.AzureServiceBus.Tests.Framework
// WARNING: note: DO NOT RENAME this file, or you'll commit the account details
/// <summary>
/// Actual AccountDetails
/// </summary>
public class AccountDetails
: PreSharedKeyCredentials
static readonly PreSharedKeyCredentials _instance = new Credentials(IssuerName, Key, Namespace, Application);
private static string ENV(string name)
return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name);
public static string Key
get { return ENV("AccountDetailsKey") ?? "adfmald0f9j23lkmsd+Ww4mAHwKZUJ1jKwTLdc="; }
public static string IssuerName
get { return ENV("AccountDetailsIssuerName") ?? "owner"; }
public static string Namespace
get { return ENV("AccountDetailsNamespace") ?? "mt"; }
public static string Application
get { return ENV("Application") ?? "my-application"; }
string PreSharedKeyCredentials.IssuerName
get { return _instance.IssuerName; }
string PreSharedKeyCredentials.Key
get { return _instance.Key; }
string PreSharedKeyCredentials.Namespace
get { return _instance.Namespace; }
string PreSharedKeyCredentials.Application
get { return Application; }
public Uri BuildUri(string application = null)
return _instance.BuildUri(application);
public PreSharedKeyCredentials WithApplication(string application)
return _instance.WithApplication(application);
Place this file in src\MassTransit.Transports.AzureServiceBus.Tests\Framework\AccountDetails.cs
Download the code. Hack on it in a feature branch like described with this flow. Send a pull request to /develop from your feature branch.