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Lifetimes Intro slides
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These are based on how I've been teaching lifetimes in the past **8-12 months**. I build up an intuition around functions returning references and using annotations to tag returned references and their corresponding sources of data. When I do it live I tend to have more intermediate situations covered: functions that only accepts references but don't return references, a function that takes a single reference and returns many, their variations with non-reference parameters and returned components, you get the idea. I dropped most of it because they don't work as well in slide format.

Also, while this flow leads to a much gentler introduction in general, it requires covering static data and `'static` lifetime before anything else, and there's this awkward chicken-and-egg phase early. In my experience, it can be tip-toed over pretty easily. I actually started introducing the concepts of three memory types: static, stack, and heap very early, - on day 1 or 2. C/C++ people don't need it per se, but even they benefit from discussing it when we talk about containers like `Vec`, `String`, or `Box` and recursive structs or enums. This way by the time we talk lifetimes the audience has a benefit of familiarity ("Oh, `static`, I remember: that's for static memory!")

One example I add in the middle actually shows how adding lifetime annotations helps the programmer find and fix bugs in code. Some of the code fragments are *subtly* incorrect, and I'd love to add speaker notes for them so that trainers won't stumble through them too much. I show this example to demonstrate that these annotations are not only to keep the compiler happy, but also for your benefit as well. Another attempt at turning lifetimes perception around: they are friends, not enemies.


Despite the fact that there's quite a bit more content I actually cover *less* in terms of material. I don't mention elision, non-lexical lifetimes, lifetime dependencies and sub-lifetimes. In my view these concepts are too advanced to present to intro groups, and advanced groups would benefit from doing more exploratory lifetime coverage via Serde exercise and / or `std::thread::scope` API. It has everything: sub-lifetimes, higher-ranked trait bounds for lifetimes, and all of that mixed with multithreading safety discussion! Still, if we want to keep old contend I don't mind moving my material into a separate deck.

I do, however, mention a few type system aspects of lifetimes, mostly around `T: 'a` and `T: 'static`. Both show up in signature of standard library methods, both look very confusing for newcomers. For my training flow (`syntax -> traits -> memory -> multithreading`) this information bits play out really well. `std::thread::spawn` has a `+ 'static` in its signature *twice*, and I can point to it and tell my audience: "remember this? we talked about it yesterday!"


Finally, I'm afraid my terminology around lifetime annotations, lifetime type parameters, and lifetime generics is not entirely accurate. I try to find a balance around being precise and not overload the audience too much.
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listochkin authored and jonathanpallant committed Jun 13, 2023
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