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fenix01 edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 9 revisions

This page will give you a description of each function provided by the cheatengine-library

Table of Contents

Process api

void iGetProcessList(out String processes);

Get a list of all running processes

parameters :

  1. the list is passed by parameter

void iOpenProcess(String pid);

Open a process specified by pid and empty the virtual cheat table

parameters :

  1. a processus id : an hexadecimal number on 8 digits

Virtual table api

void iResetTable();

Empty the virtual cheat table

parameters :

void iAddScript(String name, String script);

Add a script to the virtual cheat table

parameters :

  1. the script name
  2. the asm script

void iRemoveRecord(int index);

Remove a script or an address from the virtual cheat engine table. Index starts from 0.

parameters :

  1. the record index

void iActivateRecord(int index, boolean activate);

Set a script or a memory address as active. For a script it means : inject / remove the script For a memory address it means : freeze / unfreeze

parameters :

  1. the script index
  2. put true to activate the record and false to desactivate

void iApplyFreeze();

This function has to be called from a timer to apply freeze to all active addresses from the virtual cheat table. To freeze an address you must add an address to the cheat table, set his value, and call iactivaterecord.

void iProcessAddress(string address, TVariableType vartype, boolean showashexadecimal, boolean showassigned, int bytesize, out String pvalue);

Read the address and display the value it points to.

parameters :

  1. the address with format $XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  2. variable type. Refer to the TVariableType structure
  3. display the value in hexadecimal
  4. display the value as signed
  5. bytesize, don't know
  6. the return value

void iAddAddressManually(string address, TVariableType vartype);

Add the specified address to the virtual cheat table.

parameters :

  1. the address with format $XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  2. variable type. Refer to the TVariableType structure

void iGetValue(int index, out String value);

Read the value of the address added to virtual table at the specified index.

parameters :

  1. the index
  2. return value

void iSetValue(int index, String value);

Write the value of the address added to virtual table at the specified index.

parameters :

  1. the index
  2. value to write

Memory scanner api

void IInitMemoryScanner();

Init the memory scanner. Must be called only once.

parameters :

void INewScan();

Start a new scan.

parameters :

void IConfigScanner(Tscanregionpreference scanWritable, Tscanregionpreference scanExecutable, Tscanregionpreference scanCopyOnWrite);

Configure which memory region to scan. Refer to the Tscanregionpreference structure for more informations.

parameters :

  1. scan memory region with write access
  2. scan memory region with execute access
  3. scan memory region with copyOnWrite access


coming soon


coming soon

int64 ICountAddressesFound();

Return the count addresses found.

parameters :

void IGetAddress(Qword index, out String address, out String value);

Read an address from the found list. The foundlist is buffered with pages of 1024 addresses. So, when you specify the index, you load a page from index-511, to index+512.

parameters :

  1. the index
  2. returned address
  3. returned value
void IInitFoundList(TVariableType vartype, int varlength, bool hexadecimal, bool signed, bool binaryasdecimal, bool unicode);

Initialize the foundlist. Should be called only once and after the OnScanDone callback.

parameters :

void IResetValues();

parameters :

void IRebaseAddressList(int index);

parameters :

int IGetBinarySize();

parameters :