It's my website, my little corner of the internet!
Find my site here: (TODO: Add URL me)
Hosted on Nest! Nest is a free website host run by Hack Club! Free for anyone under 18, anywhere, everywhere. Google "hack club" for more!
Just this repo ig, I'm not cloning yet from this repo but will soon! I'm working on an SSH github action to push this repo to Nest.
Nest Resource Monitor (
A monitor to view your live usage of CPU, memory, and storage. Features very nice graphs :D.
View a functional demo here at, or on Nest at!
URL Shortener (
A simple URL converter. Functional but not pretty.
A simple URL shortener to shorten all your life problems!
Add the URL you want to shorten in the first field. Ensure it starts with https:// (this is a limitation of the URL validator used and seems to be required to redirect w/ flask anwyays). Then add the URL you want to convert into. The host is already filled out (As seen in the screenshot) so just add the end bit lol. The converted URL can only contain alphanumeric characters.
QR Code Generator (TBD)
A simple link QR code generator, also static. Functional but not pretty. Makes it easy to create Hack Club or custom themed QR codes. Ads and trackers not included :).
[Image tba]