my test seting
in TebLocalPlannerReconfigure.cfg
line 122: grp_robot_carlike.add("max_steering_rate", double_t, 0, "EXPERIMENTAL: Maximum steering rate of a carlike robot (THIS SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECTS PERFORMANCE AT THE MOMENT) [deactivate: zero]", 1.5, 1.0, 10.0)
line 286: grp_optimization.add("weight_max_steering_rate", double_t, 0, "EXPERIMENTAL: Optimization weight for enforcing a minimum steering rate of a carlike robot (TRY TO KEEP THE WEIGHT LOW OR DEACTIVATE, SINCE IT SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECTS PERFORMANCE AT THE MOMENT)", 10, 10, 100)
in rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
weight_obstacle = 200
min_turning_radius = 50
wheelbase = 1