This is a simple example to use the gRPC into the Spring-Boot app
- Dependencies of pom
- Add the build dependencies
- Proto file must be into
syntax = "proto3";
package com.example;
option java_multiple_files = true;
message Hello {
string firstname = 1;
string lastname = 2;
message Greeting {
string greeting = 1;
service GreetingService {
rpc hello(Hello) returns (Greeting);
mvn clean package
to create the files of server gRPC base and the request and response -
The files are created into the folder target/generated-sources/protobuf (Make sure your IDE read those files as source)
Create a server
package com.example.grpc;
import com.example.Greeting;
import com.example.GreetingServiceGrpc;
import com.example.Hello;
import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;
import org.lognet.springboot.grpc.GRpcService;
public class GreetingServiceImpl extends GreetingServiceGrpc.GreetingServiceImplBase {
public void hello(Hello request, StreamObserver<Greeting> responseObserver) {
responseObserver.onNext(Greeting.newBuilder().setGreeting("Hello " + request.getFirstname() + " " + request.getLastname() ).build());
- Add the properties
🎉 Done!
Just running your application mvn spring-boot:run
or build and run the jar.
You should see into the logs:
o.l.springboot.grpc.GRpcServerRunner : Starting gRPC Server ...
o.l.springboot.grpc.GRpcServerRunner : 'com.example.grpc.server.GreetingServiceImpl' service has been registered.
o.l.springboot.grpc.GRpcServerRunner : gRPC Server started, listening on port 8092.