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TensorPlanner depends on MPI, JDK 11, Spark 3.2.1, Scala 2.12.15, and sbt 1.6.2.

Edit the file to point to your installation directories. For open-mpi, do:


for MVAPICH2, do:

mvapich=y source

Compile TensorPlanner using:

sbt package

Make sure you can ssh to localhost and to any other computer used in MPI without password.

Go to TensorPlaner/tests/ and do:

tp mult.diablo
run ./a.out 4234 10

Environmental parameters (with default values): executors=2 (number of executors per node), trace=y (trace execution), collect=n (collect all results at the coordinator), recovery=n (run with recovery).

To test it on SDSC Expanse (or on any SLURM-based cluster), build the system (for MVAPICH2, use mvapich instead of openmpi):


Go to tests, edit, and do:


Synchronous TensorPlanner using Spark

Go to TensorPlaner/tests/ and do:

compile-diablo Multiply-diablo.scala
run-diablo Multiply 1234 2345

To test it on SDSC Expanse, build the system:


Go to tests, edit, and do:


Data Model

Abstract Types

type meaning
arrayn[T] An array with n dimensions and elements of type T
vector[T] same as array1[T]: a vector
matrix[T] same as array2[T]: a matrix
list[T] a list of elements of type T
map[K,T] a map that maps keys of type K to values of type T

Storage Constructors

e: List[((Int,...,Int),T)]
di: Int (dense dimension)
si: Int (sparse dimension)

constructor abstract type meaning
tensor(d1,...,dn)(s1,...,sm) e arrayn+m[T] a tensor with n dense dimensions and m sparse dimensions
tensor(d1,...,dn) e arrayn[T] same as tensor(d1,...,dn)() e (a dense tensor)
tensor*(d1,...,dn)(s1,...,sm) e arrayn+m[T] a distributed block tensor with n dense dimensions and m sparse dimensions
tensor*(d1,...,dn) e arrayn[T] same as tensor*(d1,...,dn)() e (a distributed block dense tensor)
list* v list[T] a distributed list, where v: List[T]
map* v map[K,T] a distributed map, where v: List[(K,T)]

A dense tensor, tensor(d1,...,dn) e, is stored as (d1,...,dn,v), where v is Array[T] (the array in row-major format).
A sparse tensor, tensor(d1,...,dn)(s1,...,sm) e, is stored in sparse row format as (d1,...,dn,s1,...,sm,dense,sparse,values), where:

  • dense: Array[Int] is a dense array with dimensions (d1,...,dn) in row-major format that points to the sparse array
  • sparse: Array[Int] contains the sparse indices
  • values: Array[T] contains the tensor values and has the same size as sparse

For example, a 4-dimensional array A constructed using tensor(d1,d2)(s1,s2) has value A[i,j,k,l] equal to values[z] where sparse[z]=k*s2+l and z is between dense[i*d2+j] and dense[i*d2+j+1]-1. The index z is found in sparse using binary search. If it doesn't exist, it's zero (0, 0.0, false, or null).
A boolean sparse tensor does not have a values array.
A block tensor, tensor*(d1,...,dn)(s1,...,sm) e, is stored as a distributed collection of blocks of type (coord,block), where coord is the block coordinates (of type (Int,...,Int)) and block is a fixed-size tensor constructed using tensor(N,...,N)(N,...,N). A block has fixed size block_size (default is 100M int/float), which means that each dimension N has Nn+m=block_size .

Abbreviated Syntax

example meaning equivalent tensor comprehension
A+B cell-wise operation +, -, *, / tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),a+b) | ((i,j),a) <- A, ((ii,jj),b) <- B, ii == i, jj == j ]
A+2 cell-wise operation +, -, *, / tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),a+2) | ((i,j),a) <- A ]
A@B matrix-matrix multiplication tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),+/v) | ((i,k),a) <- A, ((kk,j),b) <- B, kk == k, let v = a*b, group by (i,j) ]
A@V matrix-vector multiplication tensor*(n,n)[ (i,+/w) | ((i,k),a) <- A, (kk,v) <- V, kk == k, let w = a*v, group by i ]
A.t transpose tensor*(n,n)[ ((j,i),a) | ((i,j),a) <- A ]
A[2:5,3:8:2] slicing tensor*(4,6)[ (((n-2+i)%n,(n-3+j*2)%n),a) | ((i,j),a) <- A ]

Matrix multiplication using array comprehensions:

     var A = tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..n-1 ]     // dense block matrix
     var B = tensor*(n)(n)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..n-1 ]    // dense rows, sparse columns
     tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),+/v) | ((i,k),a) <- A, ((kk,j),b) <- B, kk == k, let v = a*b, group by (i,j) ];

Matrix addition using array comprehensions:

Full scans of sparse arrays in which both zero and non-zero elements are used are done with a full scan <= (slower)

     var A = tensor*(n)(n)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..n-1 ]     // sparse matrix
     var B = tensor*(n)(n)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..n-1 ]     // sparse matrix
     tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),a+b) | ((i,j),a) <= A, ((ii,jj),b) <= B, ii == i, jj == j ];

Matrix multiplication using loops:

          var M = tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..n-1 ];
          var N = tensor*(n,n)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..n-1 ];
          var R = M;

          for i = 0, n-1 do
              for j = 0, n-1 do {
                   R[i,j] = 0.0;
                   for k = 0, n-1 do
                       R[i,j] += M[i,k]*N[k,j];

Matrix factorization:

      var R = tensor*(n,m)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..m-1 ];
      var P = tensor*(n,l)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..n-1, j <- 0..l-1 ];
      var Q = tensor*(l,m)[ ((i,j),random()) | i <- 0..l-1, j <- 0..m-1 ];
      var pq = R;
      var E = R;

      var a: Double = 0.002;
      var b: Double = 0.02;

      for i = 0, n-1 do
          for k = 0, l-1 do
              P[i,k] = random();

      for k = 0, l-1 do
          for j = 0, m-1 do
              Q[k,j] = random();

      var steps: Int = 0;
      while ( steps < 10 ) {
        steps += 1;
        for i = 0, n-1 do
            for j = 0, m-1 do {
                pq[i,j] = 0.0;
                for k = 0, l-1 do
                    pq[i,j] += P[i,k]*Q[k,j];
                E[i,j] = R[i,j]-pq[i,j];
                for k = 0, l-1 do {
                    P[i,k] += a*(2*E[i,j]*Q[k,j]-b*P[i,k]);
                    Q[k,j] += a*(2*E[i,j]*P[i,k]-b*Q[k,j]);


The input graph G is an RDD[(Long,Long)]

      var N = 1100;  // # of graph nodes
      var b = 0.85;

      // count outgoing neighbors
      var C = tensor*(N)[ (i,j.length) | (i,j) <- G, group by i ];

      // graph matrix is sparse
      var E = tensor*(N)(N)[ ((i,j),1.0/c) | (i,j) <- G, (ii,c) <- C, ii == i ];

      // pagerank
      var P = tensor*(N)[ (i,1.0/N) | i <- 0..N-1 ];

      var k = 0;
      while (k < 10) {
        k += 1;
        var Q = P;
        for i = 0, N-1 do
            P[i] = (1-b)/N;
        for i = 0, N-1 do
            for j = 0, N-1 do
                P[i] += b*E[j,i]*Q[j];