The goal of this project is to solve the N-puzzle ("taquin" in French) game using the A* search algorithm.
Usage: ./n_puzzle [-h] [-H | -m | -l] [-s | -c] [-a | -g | -u] [file]
Goal patterns:
-s, --snail Set the snail solution as the final grid state (default).
-c, --classic Use the classic solution, an ordered grid with a trailing 0.
Available heuristics:
-H, --hamming-distance Use Hamming distance, corresponds to the number of misplaced tiles, slowest heuristic.
-m, --manhattan-distance Use Manhattan distance, also called taxicab metric.
-l, --linear-conflict Use linear conflict along with Manhattan distance, fastest heuristic (default).
Type of algorithms:
-A, --a-star Both the expected and the past cost are considered during the search (default).
-g, --greedy The past cost will be ignored, only considering expected cost, fastest algorithm but the result won't be optimal.
-u, --uniform-cost All states will have the same expected cost (discard heuristic choice), so all nodes will be considered, slowest algorithm.
-h, --help Show this help list.
The program will wait for the standard input if launched without a file, so the easiest way to try it out is to use the puzzle generator inside the resources
python resources/ 3 -s | ./n_puzzle
Once you clone this repo just run npm install
once you're inside it.
Then, whenever you want you can start the webserver with npm start
and access localhost:8080/
to visualize the found solution.