Scripts to backup ceph rbd images to qcow via rsnapshot. Tunable image selection with a regex (current default setup for opennebula vm root disks and base images).
This script is to be installed on the backup node, and it will connect via ssh to the ceph node.
Setup on the backup node:
- create venv in /home/ceph_rsnapshot/venv with python 2.6 or 2.7 and source it
- clone this repo into /home/ceph_rsnapshot/repo and pip install -e .
- Set config file (if overriding anything) in /home/ceph_rsnapshot/config/ceph_rsnapshot.yaml
- Run /home/ceph_rsnapshot/venv/bin/ceph_rsnapshot to backup all ceph rbd images that match image_re and have snapshots from today's date to qcow on the backup node.
This script does not generate the ceph snapshots, those need to be generated externally.
The script requires rsnapshot be installed on the backup node already (via system packages).
This also requires qemu-img to be installed on the ceph node.
requires passwordless ssh from the backup node to the ceph node
POOLS # comma separated list of pools to backup; can be a single pool
QCOW_TEMP_PATH # path for the temporary export of qcows
EXTRA_ARGS # extra args to pass to rsnapshot
TEMP_CONF_DIR_PREFIX # prefix for temp dir to store temporary rsnapshot conf files
TEMP_CONF_DIR # ...or can override and set whole dir
BACKUP_BASE_PATH # base path on the backup host to backup into
KEEPCONF # keep config files after run finishes
STATUS_FILENAME # file to write out nagios readable status
IMAGE_RE # Regex to filter ceph rbd images to back up
SNAP_NAMING_DATE_FORMAT # date format string to pass to `date` to get snap naming; iso format %Y-%m-%d would yield names like imagename@2016-10-04
SNAP_DATE # date string to pass to `date --date` to get the day of the snap to back up, examples 'today' or '1 day ago'
SNAP_STATUS_FILE_PATH # path on ceph node to check for when snapshots are done
MIN_FREESPACE # min freespace to leave on ceph node for exporting qcow temporarily
SH_LOGGING # verbose log for sh module
This will ssh to the ceph node ("source") and gather a list of rbd devices to back up. Then it will iterate over that list, connecting to the ceph node to export each one in turn to qcow in a temp directory, and then running rsnapshot to backup that one qcow, then connecting again to the ceph node to remove the temp qcow.
The qcow images go into (on the backup node): <BACKUP_BASE_PATH>/<POOL>/<image-name>/<daily.NN>/<image-name>.qcow2
This script will also rotate orphaned images that no longer exist on the source (by running rsnap with an empty source), so they will roll off after retain_interval.
Log messages print to stdout and log to /home/ceph_rsnapshot/logs (or LOG_BASE_PATH).
usage: ceph_rsnapshot [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--host HOST] [-p POOL]
[--image_re IMAGE_RE] [-v] [--noop]
[--no_rotate_orphans] [--printsettings] [-k]
wrapper script to backup a ceph pool of rbd images to qcow
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
path to alternate config file
--host HOST ceph node to backup from
-p POOLS, --pools POOLS
comma separated list ofceph pools to back up (can be a
single pool)
--image_re IMAGE_RE RE to match images to back up
-v, --verbose verbose logging output
--noop noop - don't make any directories or do any actions.
logging only to stdout
--no_rotate_orphans don't rotate the orphans on the dest
--printsettings print out settings using and exit
-k, --keepconf keep conf files after run
extra long args for rsync of format foo,bar for arg
--foo --bar
Tested on CentOS 7 with python 2.7.5