$ pip install touchworks
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import touchworks
tw = TouchWorks('<url'>, '<your svc_username>' , '<your svc_password',
'<your app_name>')
#optional parameter : cache_token=True
#optional parameter: username : ehr_username
# search for patients whose name matches F*
patients = tw.search_patients(search_criteria='J*')
patient_id = patients[0]['ID']
#find patient activities
activities = tw.get_patient_activities(patient_id)
#find all encounters
cilinical_summary = tw.get_clinical_summary(patient_id)
# get schedules
schedules = tw.get_schedule(start_date='10/4/2015)
schedules = tw.get_schedule(start_date='10/4/2015, end_date='10/12/2015')
Please see http://developer.allscripts.com/ for more information
import touchworks
tw = TouchWorks('<url'>, '<your svc_username>' , '<your svc_password',
'<your app_name>', '<ehr username>)
- save_note
- search_patients
- get_document_type
- get_patient
- get_encounter
- get_dictionary
- find_document_type_by_name
- get_encounter_list_for_patient
- save_unstructured_document
- set_patient_location_and_status
- get_clinical_summary
- get_patient_activity
- set_patient_medhx_flag
- get_changes_patients
- get_patients_locations
- get_patient_pharmacies
- get_user_id
- get_provider
- get_provider_info
- get_providers
- get_task_list
- save_message_from_pat_portal
- save_task_comment
- get_task
- save_task_status
- search_task_views
- save_task
- get_task_comments
- get_delegates
- get_task_list_by_view
- get_schedule
- get_documents
All supported APIs right now raise an exception of type TouchWorksException where the string will contain the error received from the TouchWorks WebService APIs.
- example 1: service username or password is invalid:
touchworks.api.http.TouchWorksException: unable to acquire the token from web service
example 2: SaveNot action failed .. code-block:: python
touchworks.api.http.TouchWorksException: magic json api failed : Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
in order to enable debugging user can set the logging level to DEBUG.when DEBUG is enabled the library will print out each request and response in the logs.
- build instructions:
flake8 is used to ensure that there are no syntax issues with the code. if you are contributing to the code base please make sure make is passing before you push the changes to the repository.
- test
create a config.json file which contains these keys
"server": "http://somesandbox.com/Unity/UnityService.svc",
"appname": "Test App Name assigned to you",
"serviceusername": "Test Service User assigned to you",
"servicepassword": "Test Service Password assigned to you",
"ehr_username": "username that works on the sandbox",
"ehr_password": "password which would work on the sandbox"
and then
make tests
This library aims to support and is tested against these Python versions:
- 2.7.6
- 3.4.0
- PyPy
See LICENSE for details.